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SECI Oncology Journal /
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  SECI Oncology Journal /

[9002055.] رقم البحث : 9002055 -
Hepatitis C Virus Load Kinetics and Clinical Outcome in Patients with Hematological Malignancies: Comparative Study of Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation and Intensive Chemotherapy /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 6
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  اسامه - مؤلف رئيسي
  التهاب كبدي وبائي,اورام خبيثه,عظام
  It is estimated that over 170 million people suffer from HCV infection worldwide.1 The prevalence of HCV infection in patients with cancer ranges from 1.5% to 32.0%.2 chronic HCV infection in patients with cancer causes significant additional morbidity and mortality and can interfere with cancer treatment.3 Over the past two decades, considerable evidence has accumulated with regard to the association between HCV and several hematologic malignancies, most notably B-cell NHL.4
The natural course of HCV infection can be altered by cancer treatment. Previous studies have reported a high proportion of chemotherapy discontinuation among patients with cancer with HCV infection and hepatic flares. Damaged liver function after chemotherapy in HCV-infected patients may be related to immunosuppression and HCV reactivation. However, the mechanism of liver injury is still unclear. Poor outcomes may be attributed to hepatotoxicity in patients with underlying hepatitis C or worsening of hepatitis C because of increased HCV replication.5
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[9002056.] رقم البحث : 9002056 -
Does the number of metastatic organ involvement affect the response to irinotecan-based chemotherapy in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer? /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 9
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  عبدالله الشريف - مؤلف رئيسي
  FOLFIRI, weekly irinotecan, metastatic CRC, colon, rectum
  Background and objectives: Palliative chemotherapy for colorectal cancer(CRC) is more effective than the best supportive care at prolonging survival and improving quality of life. 5-fluorouracil (FU) and leucovorin (LV) modulation were the standard of care, despite having no major impact on survival.In the 1990s, two additional agents, irinotecan and oxaliplatin, were found to have activity against advanced colorectal cancer and have demonstrated survival improvement, when given either alone or in combination with LV\FU, in first- or second-line therapy.
Patients and methods: Prospective study to correlate between response to irinotecan based chemotherapy (FOLFIRI regimen or weekly single agent irinotecan)and the number of metastatic organ involvement in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer as regards responserate and also to compare between FOLFIRI regimen and weekly irinotecan as regards response, survival and toxicity profile in the same patients.
Results: There was significant difference between the two used protocol as regards response whereFOLFIRI arm was superior to weekly single irinotecan arm in patients with 4 or more metastatic involved organs (P=0.01). Toxicity profile was somewhat similar except in alopecia and infection where weekly irinotecan was less incidence of infection and more incidence of alopecia.
Conclusion: FOLFIRI arm was superior to weekly irinotecan arm as regard the response in patient with 4 or more involved organs.
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[9002057.] رقم البحث : 9002057 -
Effect Of Preoperative Nutrition Modulation On Postoperative Complications And Short -Term Outcome In Major Abdominal Cancer Surgery : An Immunological View /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 7
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  روماني جرجس نعيم - مؤلف رئيسي
  Preoperative immunonutrition, cancer patients , total parenteral nutrition
  Background: There has been a positive correlation between malnutrition and increased risk of
infections. Additionally , protein caloric malnutrition occurs in up to 90% of surgical oncology patients .
Malnutrition along with surgical stress predisposes patients to significant postoperative complications
and immune depressions. Therefore, strategies have been implemented to circumvent malnutrition such
as avoiding preoperative fasting, re-establishing oral feeding as soon as possible and maintaining good
glycemic and metabolic control.
Objective: We hypothesised that perioperative use of various biochemical agents such as non-essential
( glutamine , arginine ) or sulfur-containing amino acids , omega -3-poly unsaturated fatty acids ,
nucleotides and antioxidants ( free radical scavengers ) , may alter the immune response and could
improve postoperative outcome in gastrointestinal cancer patients undergoing surgeries.
Patients & Methods: This study was done after obtaining approval of the local ethics committee of
faculty of medicine, Assiut University This randomized double –blinded prospective study was
conducted on thirty patients.The patients were divided into two groups : Group1: (n=15) patients
received preoperative I.V solutions as a control group and also received total parenteral nutrition
immediately postoperative for 5 day , group 2 : (n=15) patients received 5 days preoperative (SMOF
lipid ) 500ml/day in a peripheral venous line and also recieved total parenteral nutrition immediately
postoperative in a central venous line as group (1) for 5 days. The effect of immunonutrition on the two
groups was evaluated according to the WBC level , and the incidence of postoperative complications (
surgical site infection , fistula , chest infection ) , and hospital length of stay .
Results: There were non significancant difference between the study groups inWBC level in the
prenutritional , preoperative , postoperative day 1 , but there were a significant difference in the post
operative day 3 samples , and in the post operative day 5 samples . There were significant difference
between the two groups in the incidence of surgical site infection , and hospital stay postoperative. There
were non significant difference between the two groups in the incidence of the fistula and chest infection
Conclusion: Preoperative immunonutrition support is effective in reducing postoperative
complications in cancer patients. It helps to lower the risk of postoperative infectious complications and
hospital lengh of stay.
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[9002058.] رقم البحث : 9002058 -
Outcome of acute myeloid leukemia with recurrent cytogenetic abnormalities; A retrospective study in South Egypt Cancer Institute /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 10
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  الاء - مؤلف رئيسي
  Acute Myeloid Leukaemia, Fluorescent in Situ Hybridization, overall survival, prognosis
  Acute myeloid leukemia (AML) is one of the world health problems especially in developing
countries, as the majority of patients die in spite of the progress in therapy and supportive care. The
response to therapy and the overall survival of AML patients depended on several risk factors.
Materials and Methods: Cytogenetic analysis was performed using Fluorescent In Situ
Hybridization (FISH) analysis for 147 AML patients to detect the outcome and the overall survival of
AML with certain cytogenetic abnormalities (t (15;17), t (8;21) and Inv 16).
Results:147 patients were classified as follow: 33 were AML M2, 53 were AML M3 and 61
were AML M4/M5. Cytogenetic analysis revealed that t (15,17) was positive in all AML M3 cases
(53/53), t (8,21) was positive in 28/33 of AML M2 cases while inv 16 was positive in 23/61 of AML
M4/M5 cases. Patients with t (15;17) or t (8;21) were associated with good prognosis and better
9 outcome. WBCs count below 30x10 /L and age less than 60 years old had good prognostic impact on
overall survival (OS) in AML.
Conclusion: t (15; 17) and t (8; 21) in AML were associated with good prognosis and better outcome
in combination with other factors. The low WBCs count and the age of patients at presentation had
good prognostic impact on overall survival(OS).
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[9002059.] رقم البحث : 9002059 -
Effect of adding dexmedetomedine, ketamine and their combination to bupivacaine in thoracic epidural on post-operative analgesia in patients undergoing modified radical mastectomy. /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 14
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  ابتسام محمد عبد الرازق - مؤلف رئيسي
  TEA, dexmedetomedine, ketamine, Breast cancer surgery.
Breast cancer is the most frequent tumor in women. The incidence of breast cancer, as well as the need of surgical treatment has increased probably due to increased awareness and improved diagnostic tools resulting in early diagnosis and favorable surgical outcome [1].
Conventionally general anesthesia is the most frequently used technique, but it is associated with inadequate pain control due to lack of residual analgesia and also with other
Background: Breast surgery is one of the most common forms of surgery conducted in hospitals; even relatively minor breast surgery can be associated with significant postoperative pain. Opioid administration remains the mainstay of postoperative pain relief, but it can result in significant adverse effects including sedation, nausea, vomiting urinary retention, respiratory depression, delayed recovery of colonic mobility, and prolonged postoperative ileus.
Objective: To investigate the efficacy and safety of adding dexmedetomedine, ketamine and their combination as adjuvant analgesic with bupivacaine in thoracic epidural analgesia (TEA) on post mastectomy pain, detection of total dose of IV morphine consumption and time for the first request of rescue analgesia.
Design: Prospective, randomized, double-blinded clinical trial.
Setting: Academic medical center.
Methods: Eighty patients were randomly allocated to receive at T4-5 interspace thoracic epidural analgesia 15 minutes -before general anesthesia (GA)- either 12 ml of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.125% plus mixture of 0.3 mg/kg ketamine and 0.1?g/kg dexmedetomedine (DK group) & 12 ml of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.125% plus 0.5 mg/kg ketamine (K group) &12 ml of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.125% plus 1?g/kg dexmedetomedine (D group) while the control group received 12 ml of hyperbaric bupivacaine 0.125% (C group). Post-operative patients were admitted to surgical ICU-for 48 hours for initiation of post-operative analgesia regimen and monitoring of hemodynamics, pain score, time to first request of analgesia, total patient controlled analgesia (PCA) morphine consumption and adverse effects.
Results: Time to first request of analgesia was the longest in DK group as no one asked for analgesia during the first 48 hours, while it was longer in K group (37.45±3.12 h) compared to D group (19.43±1.78) and the control group (13.47±1.43h).
-PCA morphine consumption was less in K group (4.66±1.00 mg) compared to D group (6.74±0.70 mg) and control group (8.33±1.63mg), while DK group did not receive PCA morphine.DK group showed lower postoperative pain scores.
Conclusion: the combination of both dexmedetomedine and ketamine added to bupivacaine in TEA in patients undergoing MRM provided superior postoperative analgesia, prolonged the time to first request of analgesia, and reduced the total consumption of PCA morphine, without serious side effects compared to either drug alone.
Clinical trial registration: NCT03063671
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[9002060.] رقم البحث : 9002060 -
Vascular endothelial growth factor & basic fibroblast growth factor polymorphism as prognostic factors in Non-Hodgkin LymphomaRania Vascular endothelial growth factor & basic fibroblast growth factor polymorphism as prognostic factors in Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 25/09/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 27/09/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 9
  ندي طلعت فرغلي محمد
  سلمي محفوظ - مؤلف رئيسي
  Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, vascular endothelial growth factor, basic fibroblast growth factor
  Lymphoma growth and progression may be enhanced by angiogenesis. Both vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) play an important role in this process. The present study aimed to investigate the association of VEGF -936C/T and bFGF -921C/G gene polymorphisms with the clinicopathological characteristics of the studied patients and progression of NHL disease.
Patients and methods: Clinico-hematological profiles were done for 50 NHL patients. The genotypes and allelic frequencies of VEGF and bFGF polymorphisms were detected using Polymerase Chain Reaction- Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). PCR products after adding restriction endonuclease were analyzed using QIAxcel advanced (automated) instrument.
Results: there was a trend of significance of VEGF 936-T allele among NHL patients with advanced clinical staging compared to patients with early stages with P value 0.082. As regards the progression of the disease determined by international prognostic index (IPI), it was noticed that there was a borderline significance between VEGF CT genotype and IPI score among patients with intermediate high/high IPI compared to patients with low/intermediate low IPI with P value 0.074. The bFGF 921-G variant was associated frequently with aggressive histological subtype of NHL and showed a borderline significance with NHL patients presented with intermediate high/high IPI score and BM infiltration with P value 0.098 and 0.054 respectively.
Conclusion: our results demonstrated that VEGF-936C/T and bFGF-921C/G gene polymorphisms may potentially affect the progression of NHL. Further larger scale studies are needed.
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[9002233.] رقم البحث : 9002233 -
Concurrent Use of Capecitabine with Adjuvant Radiotherapy in the Treatment of Patients with Breast Cancer /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 18/12/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 20/12/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 10
  ساره محمد عباس عبد الحفيظ
  آية الله على يوسف محمد - مؤلف رئيسي
  breast cancer, concurrent capecitabine, hypofractionation, adjuvant radiotherapy.
Background and objectives:
Patients with breast cancer have high risk of loco regional and/or distant failure. The loco regional
failure rate depending mainly on the disease stage and the adjuvant treatment. Prospective randomized
clinical trials have shown promising results with hypo-fractionated schedules for whole breast irradiation.
Concurrent chemo radiotherapy is the standard for many solid tumors; it is promising to be investigated in
breast cancer. In this study, our aim is to evaluate the toxicity, feasibility, and efficacy of concurrent
capecitabine with adjuvant radiotherapy in breast cancer.
Patients and methods: Data of 97 patients with stage II and III breast cancer after surgery and adjuvant
chemotherapy, randomized into two groups, group A: 47 patients received concurrent chemoradiation and
group B : 50 patients received radiotherapy alone. Patients were assessed for treatment toxicity and local
Results: The incidence of acute and late toxicities was comparable in both treatment groups without grade
III/IV early toxicity; only a mild increase in gastrointestinal side effects was observed with capecitabine.
Most of the late radiation adverse effects were grade I/II. Regarding efficacy, the concurrent capecitabine
arm had better disease control locally(P value = 0.01).and better disease free survival (DFS) (P value =
Conclusion: Concurrent capecitabine with adjuvant hypofractionated radiotherapy is highly feasible, safe,
and effective
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[9002234.] رقم البحث : 9002234 -
MDCT combined parameters in characterization of adrenal masses in cancer patients; A prospective study in South Egypt Cancer Institute /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 18/12/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 20/12/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 9
  ساره محمد عباس عبد الحفيظ
  ولاء طلعت كامل محمد شعيب - مؤلف رئيسي
  Adrenal adenoma, histogram analysis, absolute percentage washout, relative
percentage washout.
to evaluate the role of combined MDCT parameters in distinguishing benign from malignant
adrenal masses in well known oncological patients.
CT protocol included pre-contrast scan, venous and delayed contrast-enhanced scans
assessing the mass size, pre contrast attenuation, histogram & post contrast absolute and
relative percentage washout .Statistical analysis of the data was done.
The study included 40 patients with 44 adrenal masses. Adrenal masses included 7 lipid rich,
6 lipid poor adenomas, 7 neuroblastomas and 24 metastases. Combined CT parameters
including the size (2.25 cm as cut off value), pre contrast attenuation value (<10 HU as cut off
value), the 10% negative pixels mean attenuation threshold value for unenhanced CT scan,
post contrast absolute percentage washout of 60% and relative percentage washout at 15 min
delay were calculated, they yielded a valuable diagnostic protocol with an accuracy of 91.3 %,
sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 93.55% for distinguishing the nature of adrenal masses.
Combining the studied CT parameters yielded a powerful diagnostic protocol in
distinguishing benign from malignant adrenal masses.
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[9002235.] رقم البحث : 9002235 -
Evaluation of cosmesis after hypo fractionated, norm fractionated and intraoperative breast radiotherapy: A photographic evaluation study of patients from prospective trials; KOSIMA, TARGIT-A and TARGITE /
تخصص البحث : General
  SECI Oncology Journal /
  تاريخ تقديم البحث 18/12/2018
  تاريخ قبول البحث 23/12/2018
  عدد صفحات البحث 13
  ساره محمد عباس عبد الحفيظ
  طارق ابو بكر محمد - مؤلف رئيسي
  hypo fractionated,breast radiotherapy,cosmesis
Purpose: Photographic documentation of breast changes after breast radiotherapy (RT) is a helpful tool to both subjectively and
objectively evaluate cosmesis. This study aimed to evaluate cosmesis in breast cancer patients after receiving hypo fractionated whole
breast RT (HF-WBRT), norm fractionated (NF-WBRT), intraoperative RT (IORT) or combined WBRT/IORT within prospective
Methods: After excluding files with missing or inadequate photos from three prospective clinical trials (KOSIMA, TARGIT-A &
TARGIT-E) 205 patients were included in subjective analysis while 185 patients were included in the objective analysis 2 years after
RT respectively. Subjective evaluation was done using the Harvard scale. Objective evaluation was done by assessing percentage
breast retraction. Based on the treatment received, patients were divided into 5 groups: 1.HF-WBRT 40.05Gy/2.67Gy±Boost, 2.NFWBRT 50Gy/2Gy±Boost, 3.NF-WBRT 56Gy/2Gy, 4.IORT 20Gy, 5.IORT 20Gy +WBRT 46Gy/2Gy.
Results: Subjectively, the rate of acceptable cosmesis was 84% while objectively it was around 56%. At 2 years, there was neither a
subjective (p=0.55) nor objective (p=0.88) significant difference in cosmesis between the 5 treatment groups. Regarding possible
factors affecting cosmesis at 2 years, there were no differences concerning age, smoking, body mass index, chemotherapy, hormone
therapy or type of axillary surgery. Significantly better cosmesis was observed in patients with tumor location in the upper outer
quadrant (p<0.001) and with percentage of excised to total breast volume <10% (p<0.0294).
Conclusions: After two years of follow-up, adjuvant radiotherapy caused only minor cosmetic deterioration based on subjective
assessment of photographic documentation. The influence of the treatment method was minimal. Hypo fractionated WBRT and IORT
as a single treatment or as a boost were cosmetically similar to norm fractionated WBRT. Tumor location and excised breast volume
were the only factors significantly affecting cosmetic outcome.
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