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Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
 Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
  تفاصيل البحث
[9000706.] رقم البحث : 9000706 -
Composting Maturity Parameters Of Some /
تخصص البحث : General
  Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
  composting, maturity, microbial counts, C/N ratio, C02 evolution rate, cummulative C decompostion.
  An experiment for mature composting organic wastes was carried out at the farm of the Faculty of Agriculture, Suez Canal University, Ismailia Governorate. Sewage sludge (SS) from the Wastewater Treatment Plant at Serabium, Ismailia, was composted individually or mixed with rice straw (RS), town refuse (TR) or poultry manure (PM) or their mixtures, on equal weight basis as follows: SS, SS + RS, SS + TR, SS + PM, SS +RS + TR, SS + RS + PM, SS + TR + PM and SS + RS + TR + PM. Mixtures of the different composts were regularly mixed in elongated piles 5 m long, 1 m high and 1 m wide. Total bacteria, fungi and actinomycets were counted, beside total C, cummulative decomposed C and N, and C02 evolution rate were recorded at various composting stages (0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 30 and 45 days).
Data for all composting treatments indicated that microbial counts were gradually increased by increasing composting period till the 7th day and then declined till the 45th day. At all composting periods, the highest microbial counts were obtained for SS + PM mixture while the lowest counts were obtained for SS + RS mixture.
Singnificantly, total C and C/N ratio decreased and cummulative decomposed C and total N increased as the composting period increased till the day 45. Generally, CO2 evolution rate was slightly increased to reach its maximum for all mixtures as composting period increased to the 3rd day then, it significantly decreased till the 45th day. Lowest CO2 evolution rate value was obtained for the individual composted SS while the highest value was obtained for the composted SS+PM mixture at all intervals. Daily decline rate in C/N ratio decreased by increasing composting period, for all composted mixtures.
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