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Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
 Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
  تفاصيل البحث
[9000476.] رقم البحث : 9000476 -
Natural Compounds from Sponge-Derived Fungi /
تخصص البحث :
  Agricultural Research Journal Suez Canal University /
  Kamilia Tawfik
  Mostafa Mesbah
  Sherief Khalifa
  Diaa Youssef
  El-Temsah Lake, Marine-derived fungi, antibacterial, antifungal, PCR.
  Fungi associated with the marine sponge Gellius bubastens from El-Temsah Lake were isolated. All isolated sponge-derived fungi were screened for the presence of biologically active secondary metabolites in their cultures. Fungi that organic extracts of their cultures showed bioactivities were identified. The lipid content of hexane extracts of saline cultures of three fungal isolates was analyzed with GC/MS and led to identification of compounds with reported diverse bioactivities. Identification of marine fungi was based on DNA sequencing combined with searchable databases. The diversity of the microbial communities associated with G. bubastens collected from El-Temsah Lake may attract chemists to explore such area as a source of new, diverse and interesting secondary metabolites due to symbiosis. This work represents the first report of a study of the secondary metabolites diversity of marine-derived fungi isolated from its sponge host collected from El-Temsah Lake.
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