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تصفح المحتوي RDA
التصفح حسب الموضوعات
التصفح حسب اللغة
التصفح حسب الناشر
التصفح حسب تاريخ النشر
التصفح حسب مكان النشر
التصفح حسب المؤلفين
تصفح الهيئات
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التصفح حسب نوع المادة
التصفح حسب العلاقة بالعمل
تم العثور علي : 1029
 تم العثور علي : 1029
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Articles 2023.
Vol.25 (September 2023) /

Book .2009
ISBN: 9780230593855

Thesis 2024.
هدفت الدراسة إلى التحقق من النموذج السببي للعلاقات بين دافعية الإنجاز،والضغوط الأكاديمية،وجودة الحياة الأكاديمية لدي طلاب الجامعة. وتم استخدام المنهج الوصفي الأرتباطي، وتم اختيار العينة بشكل عشوائي وتكونت العينه من (202)طالب من طلاب جامعة قناة السويس بالإسماعيلية،استخدمت الباحثة مقياس دافعية الإنجاز من إعداد عبد الرحمن بريكة (2007) حيث بلغ معامل الثبات للمقياس بالدراسة الحالية (0.8) بمتوسط حسابي (0.554)، ومقياس الضغوط الأكاديمية من إعداد عبد الناصر عامر (2021)حيث بلغ معامل الثبات للمقياس خلال الدراسة الحالية (0 - 8)بمتوسط حسابي (0.6) ، ومقياس جودة الحياة الأكاديمية تم الأعتماد على مقياس محمد هلال العتيبي (2014)حيث بلغ معامل الثبات للمقياس خلال الدراسة الحالية(0 - 7)بمتوسط حسابي (0.692). تحققت الباحثة من الخصائص السيكومترية للأدوات باستخدام التحليل العاملي الأستكشافي والتوكيدي، حيث أسفرت نتائج الدراسة عنالنموذج السببي عدم وجود تأثير سببي من الدافعية للإنجاز على الضغوط الأكاديمية، بالإضافة إلى وجود تأثير سببي سالب دال إحصائياً عند (0.2) من الضغوط الاكاديمية علي جودة الحياة الأكاديمية، بينما اتضح عدم وجود تأثير سببي من الدافعية للإنجاز علي جودة الحياة الاكاديمية.
الكلمات المفتاحية دافعية الإنجاز، الضغوط الأكاديمية، جودة الحياة الأكاديمية، بيئة التعلم الألكتروني.

Causal Modeling of Achievement motivation and Academic Stress and Academic Life quality among Education Faculty Students in the E-environment Dissertation title
Sarah Gamal el-said mohamed Author
Prof. Dr
- Abdel Nasser ElsayedAmer
- Mahmoud aliMoussa Supervision
Arabic Language of the thesis
Educational psychology department Department
Ismailia College of Education
- Suez Canal University. College and university
The study aimed to investigate the causal model of the relationships between achievement motivation
- academic stress - and the quality of academic life among university students. The descriptive correlational approach was used - and the sample was chosen randomly - and the sample consisted of (202) students from Suez Canal University in Ismailia.The researcher used the Achievement Motivation Scale prepared by Abdel RahmanBarika (2007) - where the reliability coefficient of the scale in the current study reached (0.8) with an arithmetic mean of (0.554) - and the Academic Pressure Scale prepared by Abdel Nasser Amer (2021) - where the reliability coefficient of the scale during the current study reached ( 0.8) with an arithmetic mean of (0.6) - and the measure of the quality of academic life was based on the scale of Muhammad Hilal Al-Otaibi (2014) - where the reliability coefficient of the scale during the current study reached (0.7) with an arithmetic mean of (0.692). The results of the study revealed that the causal model showed no causal effect of achievement motivation on academic pressures - in addition to the presence of a statistically significant negative causal effect (0.2) of academic pressures on the quality of academic life. While it became clear that there is no causal effect of achievement motivation on the quality of academic life

Thesis 2024.
In an increasingly competitive destination market - effective communication is unquestionably a key feature for the development of a strong country brand. Despite the notable adoption of Integrated marketing communications (IMC) across various contexts - its suitability for destinations has been neglected in the tourism literature. Moreover - implementing IMC poses greater complexities when applied at the national level compared to the company level.
As a result
- this research embraces IMC as a methodology within the context of country branding. It aims to assess the current perceptions of Egypt among potential international tourists and evaluate the effectiveness of various IMC tools including traditional media advertising - social media - websites - influencers - and events in shaping Egypt’s image from a tourist perspective. Furthermore - the research investigates the consequences of cultivating a positive country image for Egyptian tourism.
To achieve these objectives
- a mixed-methods approach was utilized. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with international students and staff from the University of Exeter - which were analysed thematically. Additionally - a quantitative study involved administering 365 online questionnaires via Qualtrics - distributed through Prolific - with data analysed using Partial Least Squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) on 334 valid responses.
The findings substantiate the critical role of IMC tools in forming a favorable country image. Specifically
- advertising - government websites - influencers - and social media were identified as direct triggers of a favourable Egypt image. The results further revealed that both cognitive and affective dimensions of image impact tourists’ intentions to visit; notably - only the affective image significantly influences perceived value.
This research provides essential insights for tourism marketers
- emphasising the need to reassess the role of IMC tools in fostering an image - which can lead to increased visit intentions and positive perceived value. The study makes a dual contribution: it pioneers the empirical examination of IMC in the context of country branding and demonstrates the effectiveness of IMC in creating a favourable image within the Egyptian tourism sector amidst recent challenges.
Integrated Marketing Communications
- Country Image - Perceived Value - Visit Intention - Egypt - In an increasingly competitive destination market - effective communication is unquestionably a key feature for the development of a strong country brand. Despite the notable adoption of Integrated marketing communications (IMC) across various contexts - its suitability for destinations has been neglected in the tourism literature. Moreover - implementing IMC poses greater complexities when applied at the national level compared to the company level.
As a result
- this research embraces IMC as a methodology within the context of country branding. It aims to assess the current perceptions of Egypt among potential international tourists and evaluate the effectiveness of various IMC tools including traditional media advertising - social media - websites - influencers - and events in shaping Egypt’s image from a tourist perspective. Furthermore - the research investigates the consequences of cultivating a positive country image for Egyptian tourism.
To achieve these objectives
- a mixed-methods approach was utilized. Qualitative data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with international students and staff from the University of Exeter - which were analysed thematically. Additionally - a quantitative study involved administering 365 online questionnaires via Qualtrics - distributed through Prolific - with data analysed using Partial Least Squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) on 334 valid responses.
The findings substantiate the critical role of IMC tools in forming a favorable country image. Specifically
- advertising - government websites - influencers - and social media were identified as direct triggers of a favourable Egypt image. The results further revealed that both cognitive and affective dimensions of image impact tourists’ intentions to visit; notably - only the affective image significantly influences perceived value.
This research provides essential insights for tourism marketers
- emphasising the need to reassess the role of IMC tools in fostering an image - which can lead to increased visit intentions and positive perceived value. The study makes a dual contribution: it pioneers the empirical examination of IMC in the context of country branding and demonstrates the effectiveness of IMC in creating a favourable image within the Egyptian tourism sector amidst recent challenges.
Integrated Marketing Communications
- Country Image - Perceived Value - Visit Intention - Egypt

Thesis 2024.

Thesis 2024.

Thesis 2018.

Book 1972

Thesis 2024.

Articles 2019
س. 39, ع. 1 (2019) /

من 103

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