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The influence of some growth regulators and mineral nutrients on growth and drought ”resistance of some fig varieties /
Al-Khateeb, Adly Farahat Mostafa.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Adly Farahat Mostafa Al-Khateeb
مشرف / Mohamed El-Ashram
مناقش / Seif EI-Deen Sari El-Deen
مناقش / EI-Said Mohamed Gornmaa
Fig Varieties.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
214 p. :
علوم النبات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الزراعة - بساتين
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 214


The present study was carried out duirng 1992 and 1993 seasons
at the nursery of Horticultural Research Institute, Giza - Egypt.
Uniform and healthy one-year old transplants, of El-Sultani, Gizi
and Kadota Fig cultivrs were the plant material of this study, plastic
pots of 30 cm. diameter that had been fined with constant weight of
nons aline sandy loame soil taken from a depth of 0-30 em, from the
surface soil layer of El-Kassasine, Egypt. This area is located about
40 Km. west of Ismailia city. Soil wer chemically and mechanically
analyzed before period of equilibration. The pots were filled with
about 10 Kg of soil, then the three fig cultivar transplants were
planted 111 early February. Irrigation was done at the rate of750
mL/pot at two days intervals till 1st March when the treatments were
stared and continued until October in two successive seasons. Thus,
we had a three factorial experiments, each one arranged in a complete
randomized design to study the following items : 1- The effect of different available soil water levels (100%, 75% ,50% and 250/0)on fig transplants, 2- Effect of some growth retardants (ccc, B9 and PP333 at 250 ppm
or 500 ppm) foliar application on fig transplants grown under 25%
available soil water at three time i.e., IHMay, 15th June and 1st
August.3- Effect of (P, K and Mo) foliar spray on fig transplants grown under
25% available soil water at three time i.e., May, 15th. June and
1.s1 August.
The obtained results could be summarized as follows : Experiment I:
The effect of different available soil water levels on fig transplants:
a) vegetative growth:
1- With respect to the specific effect of available soil water levels on
vegetative growth, the obtained data showed that, growth
parameters values including stem length, number of leaves/plant,
average leaf area, assimulation area, both fresh and dry weight
of various plant organs (leaves, stem, roots and total plant) were
greatest when transplants were growing under low water stress
(l00% available soil water). These values decreased with
increasing the soil moisture tension to reach the minimum when the
soil moisture availability were lowered to be 25%.2- Concerning the specific effect of cultivars . on vegetative
growth, Sultani fig cultivar showed generally the highest values of
vegetative growth i.e., leaf area, both fresh and dry weight of plant
organs (leaves, stem, root and total plant) followed in decreasing
order Kadota transplants followed by Gizi plants during the two
seasons of study. On the other hand, Gizi fig cultivar showed the
highest value of number of leaves/plant, assimilation area and
leaf fresh and dry weight followed In a decreasing order both
Sultani and Kadota fig transplants.
3- A remarkable interaction was shown between available soil water
level and cultivars. Meanwhile, Kadota transplants grown under
100% available soil water showed the greatest values of stem
length while Gizi transplants was lowered value in this respect.
In addition, Gizi transplants had the greatest value of leaves
number/plant during the study.Moreover, Sultani fig plants showed
the greatest value of leaf area, fresh and dry weight of plant organs
(leaves, stem, root and total plant) during the two seasons of study.
b) Pllysiological aspects:
1- Regarding the specific effect of physiological aspects. The
obtained data showed that, under severe water stress the hard leaf
character, leaf succulence and leaf relative turigidity values of fig
transplants were increased
2- With respect to the specific effect of cultivars on physiological
aspects, the obtained results showed that, Gizi fig transplants had
the highest value of leaf relative turigidity and leaf succulence
during the study.
3- A remarkable interaction was found between available soil water
and cultivars. Data showed that values of hard leaf character, leaf
succulence and leaf relative turgidity were increased under severe
water stress.c) Chemical constituents:
1- With respect to the specific effect of available soil water levels on
chemical constituents, the obtained results showed that the foliar
chlorophyll A, Band carotenoids, stem total soluble sugars, free
aminoacids, proline acids and leaf nitrogen content increased by
decreasing the available soil moisture, while stem total
carbohydrates and leaf (P and K ) contents were exhibited opposite
trends.2- Concerning the specific effect of cultivars on chemical constituents,
the obtained results clear that, both total soluble sugars and total
carbohydrates were not significantly. On the other hand, Gizi fig
transplant had the greatest value of leaf chlorophyll A, free amino
acid and proline followed in a decreasing order Sultani cultivar
followed by Kadota transplants, while Kadota and Sultani fig
cultivars was the highest value of leaf chlorophyll Band
carotenoids content during the two seasons of study, respectively.
In addition, Gizi transplants showed the highest value of leaf (N ,
P and K) content followed in a decreasing order Sultani fig
followed by Kadota cultivar during the study
3- A considerable interaction between available soil water and
cultivars on chemical constituents, data obtained that, where, the
stem soluble sugars, free amino acids, proline acids and leafnitrogen
values significantly increased as the available soil water
decreased, on the contrary to the stern total carbohydrate leaf
chlorophyll (A & B) and carotenoids and leaf (P and K) values
which followed an opposite trend in three fig cultivars during the
two seasons of study.
d) Anatomical structure:
By raising the moisture soil stress, thickness of leaf cuticle
and epidermal cells and as well as the number of hairs on the lower
epiderm increased steadily, while in reverse to the thickness of
mesophyll tissue and rnidvein, average area of palisade and spongy
cells decreased. from the above mentioned results it could be
concluded that fig transplants, adapted itself to stress conditions
through increasing the thickness of the cuticle and the epidermal
cells and increasing number and length of leaves hairs on both of
leaves surface .
Experiment II: Effect of ccc, B9 and PP333 foliar spray on fig transplants under
25% available soil water:
a} Vegetative growth:
1- Concerning the specific effect of concentration level on vegetative
growth - the obtained data showed that, both low and high levels
significantly increased vegetative growth including stem length,
number of leaves/plant assimilation area, fresh and dry weight of
plant organs (leaves, stem, root and total plant) except stem dry
weight. In addition, low level was more effective than high level
during the two seasons of study.
2- With respect to the specific effect of growth retardants kind on
vegetative growth, data revealed that, growth retardants increased
significantly growth parameters values as compared with control
except stem dry weight, the effect was not significant. In addition,
leaf area was reduced by foliar application with any kind of growth
retardants used.
3- Concerning the specific effect of cultivars on vegetative growth,
the obtained results showed that, Sultani fig transplants had
significantly the greatest value of fresh and dry weight of plant
organs i.e. stem, root and total plant followed in a decreasing order
Kadota followed by Gizi cultivar.
4- A significant interaction between concentration, growth
retardants kind and cultivars was noticed. In this respect, data
showed that, either ccc or B9 or PP333 foliar application increased
significantly their stem length, number of leaves/plant, assimilation
area, fresh and dry weight of various plant organs (leaves, stem,
roots and total plant). On the contrary, leaf area was decreased
significantly during the study.
b) Physiologtcat aspects:
I-Regarding the specific effect of concentration level on physiological
aspects. The obtained data showed that, treating such fig
transplanting with low or high concentration of growth retardants
increased significantly hard leaf character, succulence grade and
leaf relative turgidity during the two seasons of study.
2- With respect to the specifid effect of growth retardant kind, the
obtained results showed that growth retardants (ccc, B9 and
PP333) increased significantly hard leaf character, succulence
grade and leaf relative turgidity. In addition ccc more effective,
followed in a decreasing order B9 followed by PP333 .
3- Regarding the specific effect of cultivars on physiological aspects,
the obtained results showed that Gizi fig transplants had
significantly the greatest value of hard leaf character, leaf
succulence grade and leaf relative turigidity, followed in a
decreasing order Sultani followed by Kadota.
4- A remarkable interaction was found between, concentration, growth
retardant kind and cultivar. However, fig transplants treating with
growth retardants (ccc, B9 and PP333 ) at 250 or 500 ppm raised
the values of, hard leaf character, leaf succulence grade and leaf
relative turigidity during 1992 and 1993 seasons.c) Chemical constituents:
1- With respect to the specific effect of concentration level on
chemical constituents. The obtained data showed that, treating
such fig transplanting with low or high concentration of growth
retardants increased significantly foliar pigments chlorophyll (A, B
and carotenoids) stem total carbohydrates, free amino acids, leaf
(N, P and K) content, while leaf prolin content and stem
carbohydrates content were reduced as compared with control
during 1992 and 1993 seasons.
2- Concerning the specificf effect of growth retardants kind on
chemical constituents, the obtained results showed that increased
ccc, B9 and PP333 the values of foliar chlorophyll ( A & B),
carotenoids stem total carbohydrate, leaf (P and K) content, while
soluble sugars, free amino acid, proline and leaf (N) contents were
reduced during the study.
3- Regarding the specific effect of cultivars on chemical constituents,
the obtained results clear that, Gizi fig transplants had significantly
the greatest value leaf chlorophyll A and carotenoids of soluble
sugars, free amino acid, prolin content, leaf (N, P and K) contents
followed in a decreasing order Sultani followed by Kadota
cultivar. On the other contrary, stem carbohydrate content was not
effected during 1992 and 1993 seasons.
4- A considerable interaction between concentration and growth
retardant kind as well as cultivars on chemical constituents, data
obtained that, where, the three fig cultivar sprayed with ccc at 250
ppm increased stem carbohydrate content, Free amino acid, Proline
content, leaf chlorophyll (A, Band carotenoids) content and leaf
(N, P and K) contents. While the soluble sugars was not affected
during the two seasons of study.
from the above mentioned results, it could be concluded that,
lowering soil moisture level to be 25%) available soil water had an
adverse effect on the fig transplants growth. Moreover, one may
recommended that the 50% available soil water level to be promissmg for normal growth. Other alternative is to maintain the transplants at the 25% available soil water level and spray them with ccc at the concentration of 500 ppm, such treatment would
seems to enable the transplants to stand the conditions of high soil
moisture stress.Experiment III.
Effect of (P, K and Mo) foliar spray on fig transplants under 250/0
available water : a) Vegetative growth:
1- Spraying the fig transplants which survived under high water stress
(250/0 A.W.) with (P or K) at either 250 ppm or 500 ppm or Mo at
25 ppm or 50 ppm were significantly increased their stem length,
the number of leaves/plant, leaf area, assimulation area, fresh and
dry weight of various plant organs (leaves, stem and roots) as well
as total plant. In addition high concentration more effective as
compared with the two concentration or control plants.
2- Concerning the specific effect of mineral nutrient kind on
vegetative growth data revealed that mineral nutrient increased
growth parameters values as compared with control. Moreover,
potassium foliar application produced the highest value for growth
parameters followed in a decreasing order by phosphorusapplication followed by (Mo) foliar spray regardless concentration and cultivars,
3- With respect to the specific effect of cultivars on vegetative
growth, the obtained data showed that Sultani fig transplant had
significantly the greatest value of vegetativ growth i.e. stem
length, leaf area ., fresh and dry weight of stem roots and total
plant followed in a decreasing order Kadota cultivars followed by
Gizi fig transplant during 1992 and 1993 seasons.4- A considerable interaction between concentration and kind mineral nutrient as well as cultivars on vegetative growth., where, Sultani fig transplants sprayed with (K) at 500 ppm showed the highest
value of stem length, leaf area, fresh and dry weight of various
plant organs except leaves fresh and dry weight whereas Gizi
transplants sprayed with (K) at 250 ppm showd the highest value
of number of leaves/plant and assimulation area.
In addition, assimulation leaf area and leaves fresh and dry
weight were no definit trend in this respect.b) Physiological aspects:
1- Regarding the specific effect of concentration level on phsiological
aspects, the obtained data showed that low concentration level
raised the values of hard leaf character and leaf succulence grade
while leaf relative turgidity percentage was not affected duirng the
both seasons of study
increased with high level of concentration.2- Concerning the specific effect of mineral nutrient kind on physiological aspects, treating such fig transplants with potassium
foliar application hard leaf character and leaf relative turgidity
followed in a decreasing order phosphorus application followed by
(Mo) foliar spray during the study.
3- With respect to the specific effect of cultivars on physiological
aspects, the obtained results showed that Sultani fig transplants
was not affected hard leaf character, leaf succulence grade and leaf
relative turigidity was not affected.
4- A significant interaction was found between concentration level,
kind of mineral nutrient and cultivars was detacted where, Gizi fig
transplants sprayed with phosphorous at 500 ppm showed the
greatest value of the three cultivars sprayed with (K) foliar
application at 500 ppm caused the highest value of hard leaf
character, leaf succulence grade and leaf relative turgidity as
compared with other treatments during the study.
c) Chemical constituents:
1- With respect to the specific effect of concentration level on
chemical constituents, the obtained data showed that, soluble
sugars, free amino acid and prolein were significantly decrease as
compared with control. In addition, stem total carbohydrate
content, leaf carotenoids content, leaf (N, P and K) contents were
significantly increase than control while leaf chlorophyll (A & B)
was not affected during 1992 and 1993 seasons.
2- Concerning the specific effect of mineral nutrient kind on chemical
constituents data showed that either (P or K) foliar application
significantly reduced total soluble sugars, free amino acid, Proline
and leaf nitrogen content, while it increase carbohydrate content
and leaf (P) as well as leaf (K) contents during the study.
In addition, (Mo) foliar application reduced stem total soluble
sugars, leaf free amino acids, leaf (N and K) contents. Moreover,
stem carbohydrate, proline content and leaf (P) contents was
increased during the study.
3- Regarding the specific effect of cultivars on chemical constituents,
the obtained results showed that Gizi fig trnsplants had
significantly the greatest value leaf chlorophyull A of free amino
acid, leaf (N, P and K) contents followed in a decreasing order
Sultani followed by Kadota a fig transplants. In addition leaf
chlorophyll B, and carotenoids was nof affected during the two
seasons of study.4- A significant interaction was found between concentration levels,
mineral nutrient kind and cultivars was detacted, where Gizi
transplants sprayed with phosphorous at 500 ppm showed the
greatest value of leaf carotenoids contents as compared with other
treatments while chlorophyll A and B was not affected. Moreover,
plants sprayed with (P or K or Mo) at any levels of concentration
showed a lowest value of soluble sugars, free amino acids,
proline. In addition, it increased leaf (P and K) contents, while
stem carbohydrate content and leaf (N) contents no definit trend
during the two seasons.