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Assessment of Serum Antibodies to Hepatitis A Virus Among The University Students of Alexandria
Fawzy Ahmed Abd-El- Salam
Abd-El- Salam,Fawzy Ahmed
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Fawzy Ahmed Abd-El- Salam
مشرف / Osama Nasr El-Deen
مشرف / Ahmed Hussein
مشرف / Hadia Ahmed
Microbiology Hepatitis A Virus
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
112 p.
علوم البيئة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - المعهد العالى للصحة العامة - Microbiology
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Hepatitis A is a feco-oral infection vary according to standards of hygiene and sanitation resulting in the presence of anti-HA V in the majority of tile population in developing countries from early youth on, whereas in developed countries the prevalence of antibody correlates with age. Diagnosis of hepatitis A is via RIA for HA V antigen or immune electron microscopy for viral particles during the incubation period, or the presence of IgM anti-HA V in the serum. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of anti­HA V in University student of Alexandria and study of the relation between the presence of anti-HA V and different socioeconomic and behavioral styles. This study was carried out during the period from January to June 1996. The study included 270 apparently healthy students from different Faculties and Institutions of Alexandria University. Both sexes were included and their ages ranged from, 17-24 years old. A sheet was performed for every student in the study including the important personal data (e.g. age, sex,... .etc.), as well as healthy data (e.g. history of jaundice ... etc.). I J From each students, 3 cc of venous blood was collected aseptically and the serum samples were tested using the ELISA technique for the presence of IgG anti-HA V to determine past exposure of students to HA V. Detection of IgG anti-HA V. The test is a competitive ELISA in which the IgG anti-HA V to be detennined in the sample and the labeled anti-HA V antibodies compete for a fixed quantity of HA V antigen bound to the solid phase of the microtitration plate unbound reactions are then washed out, chromogen is added and the enzyme tracer (peroxidase conjugate) bound to the solid phase reacts with chromogen. The enzymatic reaction is stopped by the addition of sulphuric acid and the resulting color is then measured using a photometer. The col or intensity is inversely proportional to the concentration of anti-HA V in the sample. The coated test plates and the reagents were purchased from SORIN biomedical, France. Among the studied 270 apparently healthy students of Alexandria University, IgG anti-HA V was detected in 247 (91.48(), while 23 (8.52) were IgG anti-HA V negative. Each of the latter two groups was evaluated separately for the presence of IgG anti-HA V in relation to the following factors, socioeconomic classes, different faculties and Institutions of the University, sex, year of study, history of jaundice, history of jaundice in household contacts, frequent of outdoor food intake, gastroenteritis and residents in different regions in Alexandria among students of the University. The main results of the study are: 1- The prevalence of IgG anti-HA V among the students of different socioeconomic classes (occupation of the father, level of education,