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Comparative study of independent model aerial triangulation adjustment using different data and techniques /
Abd El-Salam, Ihab Salah El-Din.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ايهاب صلاح الدين عبد السلام
مشرف / أحمد فؤاد الشيخ
مناقش / رفعت أحمد محمد إسماعيل
مناقش / محمود محمد محمود حامد
Aerial triangulation. Model aerial triangulation.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
207 p . :
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية الهندسة بشبرا - هندسة مساحية
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 217


The aim of this thesis is to make analysis from using different data and different techniques for adjustment for various, stimulated and real, data experments.
Software were devolped for programming the methodolgy of adjustment of the used data using both M-7 solution 3D and M-4-3 solution.
The following objectives have been formulated for the experimential tests. a-to test-out the developed software system.
b-to investigate the impact of the G.P.S data on the precision of the independent models blocks adjustment for awode range of influencing factors such as :
block size, weight ration, control configuration, scphotography precision of the observations, taking also into account the shift linear and quadratic terms for the G.P.S data modeling, as have been outline in the previous chapter.
c- to investigate the reduction of ground control points by the use of G.P.S data in the bloch adjustment.
d- to compare and investigate the effect, of using different data and of using different adjustment techniques, on the accuracy of combined block adjustment and also, to investigate possibility of reduction of control points.
The experiments were carried out using generated data as well as real dat, the data of the test field flevoland in the Netherlands were used in this thesis.
The results are presented in tabular form, in some cases also are presented in graphs, the graphs are used for a quick visual interpretation without attaching to them strict metric value.
The experimental results are evaluated by using the following statistical measures.