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Integrated Control of some Economic Pest in Cotton Fields /
Aref, Safwat Abd El-Salam.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / صفوت عبد السلام عارف
مشرف / احمد سلامه
مناقش / احمد الدهان
مناقش / محمد سلامه
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
169 p. :
الزراعية والعلوم البيولوجية (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية الزراعة - Pesticides
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 184


DiSScrcnt experi~ncnts were carried out at Saltha, Kafr El-Slicilth to cvaluatc thc efficiency of suggested I.P.M. progranimes for controlling bolloworrns as well as no11 target pcsts sucli as suclting pcsts, soinc bclicficial arthropods and cotton leafwonn. Tlic suggestccl I.P.M. programmes consisted of 4 successivc sprays of insecticides from diSSercnt groups citlicr at tlicir rccommc~icledo r half-recommended doses and in thc prcsc~~cocS or abscuce of maize as crop-trap and scx pheromones. ’I’lic rcsults could be summarized in six main points as follows: 1. ICf’ficicncy of 1.P.M. progl-ammes on sucking pests: ’I’llc cSl’cct of’ I.13.M. programliies on white flies, aphids and jassids was cvaluatcd lor 2 succcssivc seasons unclcr ficld conditions. Tlic data could be sunimarizcd in the following points: I - It could be fairly concluded that O.P. insecticides either in a mixture (Catabron) or singly (Dursban) were, in general, more effective in reducing all tested sucking pests in comparison with the synthetic pyrctliroids or carbaniatc i~isccticides. 2- The results confinned that the suggested I.P.M. prograimnes had been succeeded to over come the proble~ns of white flies, aphids and jassiclcs inkstations. 3- ’I’hcrc is no significant dil’l’erences between using the rccoiiiiilcndcd and Iialf-rccommendcd closes f01- each compound for co~itrollingth e sucking pcsts. 4- All tcstcd ylicromones had no significant effect on reducing or increasing the populations of tested suclung pests.