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/Uric Acid And Urea Clearance In Patients wITH Chronic Hepatitis
Ayman Shafik Ali,
Ali,Ayman Shafik
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ayman Shafik Ali
مشرف / El-Metwally Lotfy El-Shahawy
مناقش / Mohamed Salem
مناقش / El-Metwally Lotfy El-Shahawy
Internal Medicine
تاريخ النشر
1994 .
عدد الصفحات
الطب الباطني
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة بنها - كلية طب بشري - الامراض الباطنة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Chronic heparitiJl designatt$ a group or disol’dcrs characterize<l: by an unr lVed
inl1!11ltmatory disease oCtile ’iveT that ~ existed for mare tJtan. six months (B yet ju.,
eta! 1976 ). The eriteri”, that are lIeceptcd mO$twidely for cla.ssiikalion 0 ollie
hepatilis •.•e••re developed in 1968 and divide chronic hepa~tis into tw broad
categories hued on histologic cba:nge$: ,chronic persistent and chronic active ·tis (
De OA;lOt~j. eta! t 968 ).
This origiDal system ofclassili.catioill has subscquety heM reviewed and refined
. (Bianchi L., et aI., ~971 )_SubsequellUo the initial classifcatioli. thecae gol)’ of
obrooic lobular hepatitis W~ added.
ChroDi4> Peqi:stant hepititis (epN):
It ;9 chara.ctcti~d hUtologieally by portal lntlllDlJ[Ultion and is b’ Iy • lion
progressive process,
Chroole lobular bepatitis (CLH):
It is characterised by focal lIfGS· of necrosis 81: iIIf\~mm.ation tbrou’ out lb¢
hepatic lobule witll minimal portal &; periportal. inflammation (Yiaw Y-F, e1 al, 1982).
CbroDic aerive hepatitis:
It is characterized by histologic evidence of hepaloc-eUular necrosis &: fib osis and
is eonsidred a progerss.ive pre-cirrhotio process ( de ~oole J, 111.]968)0
T:lle availability of perl;:l,ltaneous liver biopsies from patients with cI ical and
laboratory evidence of hepatic ilillammatiott led to the ~tion(l hepatic
inflammation types. and imponance of cltrollic hepatitis. The develo t of
aminotransferase tests as ~iable indicah’lfS of hpatic Wlanunation assisted ’ eatly in
allowiog recognition of chronic hepltitis in patleftts whQ eitller were lLS)’tI\pt matic or
had or:ilyltliAimal evidence of liver inj”Ul)’. The use of SllqueBtial dete - of
aminotr~lIufc.ras.e level made itpowDle to follow the course of Ii er disease 0 er time.
The discovery in L967 ·of lhe AllStrdia antigen ( HBsAg)was full wed by
remarloWle advances in the undentllllding of hepatitis B-induced liVef di ase that
allowed identification of the largesubgmup of patients with chronic hepatit” B·lt Ms
been established that 2 to 10 pm:etrt of adult patients with acute hepaUli B do not
completely recover- and that mall)’ of these pIlIieIlts develop chromc h.epatitis Redeker
AG 1915).