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Comparative Ecological Studies on some Arthropoda Inhabiting Certain Reclaimed Soils at Souhag Governorate /
El-Hamidy, Salm Mahmoud A. M.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سالم محمود عبد الله محمد الحامدى
مشرف / عبد المنعم ابراهيم محمد السيوطى
مناقش / محمد حسم منا
مناقش / ابراهيم زكى حنفى الشريف
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
120 p. :
علم الحيوان والطب البيطري
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية العلوم * - Zoology
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The microarthropod fauna represent a group of animals that has an economic and medical importance. The present study has been done to investigate some ecological characterisitics of microarthropod communities undergoes of reclaimation of different ages. Both Acarina (especially cryptostigmatid mites ) and Collembola. are numerically the most abundant groups in most soil types, -Such creatures are considered to play a significant role in the process of soil industry, where they increase soil fertili@by adding organic matter to it. The present study includes a field work through one year of investigation in an attampt to find a biological descriptive model for five chosen reclaimed sites on the bases of the age of reclaimation. The methods are summerized as follows.’ The study has been preformed on five adjoining reclaimed sites. These-site are site (A) one-year old reclaimed site; site (B) four-years old reclaimed site; site(C) Six-years old reclaimed site; site(D) eight-years old reclaimed site and the site (E) more than ten-years old reclaimed site. Sampling was carried out during June 1989 to May 1990. Six samples from each site have been collected monthly using a cylindirical metal sampler (8 x 10 x10 cm deep). Since a total number of 360 samples were taken during one year. The different physochemical parameter viz: Temperature; soil nloisture;; soil texture; total nitrogen; organic carbon; Calcium carbonate :; Chloride; Salinity; organic matter content; C/N ratio and Hydrogen ion concentrqtion(PH) have been determined. The fauna was extracted from the soil sample by the modified paper funnels. Clearing was carried out using a mixture of ethyl alcohol and Lactic acid. The temporary open mounting methods using a concave slide was adopted here. The following results have been obtained: The five reclaimed sitessupported somewhat similar .mmbers of species; 39 species at one -year old reclaimed site ; 42 species at four-years old reclaimed site; 38 species at sixyears old reclaimed site ; 37 species at eight-years old reclaimed site and 35 species at more than ten -years old reclaimed site . 40 oribated mites species; 10 Collembolan species and 8 other Acari species have been recorded in different &tudies - .aged sites. Three catigories of recorded taxa at could be described as following: I- Common species Among these sites tam 19 species were found to be common taxa in all five reclaimed sites- 11- Moderate species of distribution. The moderate species of distribution in the all five reclaimed sites of 29 species were recorded. III-Restricted species. On one-year old reclaimed site, three species namely Striatoppia niliaca, Epilohrnania cylinderica cylinderica and Mu2 tioppia w ilsoni,; were recogilized On four-yea= old reclaimed site only one species Discoppia casurina was recorded. On six-years old reclaimed site only one species Scheloribates confindatus : being restricted. On eight-years old reclaimed site; three species, Cosrnochthonus lanatus; Suctobelbella sp.2 and scheloribates . . transpliccrtus were found . On the oldest reclaimed site, two other oribatid mites species, namely; Plakoribates multicupidus and Amerioppia hamidi were recorded .