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Epidemics and its Impact on the Construction of Islamic Architecture in Egypt (from the Fatimid to the Ottoman Period) /
Abd El-Wahab, Nermeen Rashad El Fouly Mohammed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / نرمين رشاد الفولي محمـد عبد الوهـاب
مشرف / سماح عبد الرحمن محمود
مشرف / شعبان سمير عبد الرازق
Architecture- Egypt.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
270 p. :
العلوم الاجتماعية (متفرقات)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنيا - كلية السياحة والفنادق - الإرشاد السياحي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Objectives of the Study
The researcher aimed to survey and give well-organized information about the epidemics and diseases occurred in the Islamic Egypt, explain these epidemics, definitions, and symptoms, find out the reasons for their outbreaks, estimate the influence of these epidemics on population, shed the light on the sultans, officials and social responses and attitudes toward the epidemics, figure out the state of architecture, shed the light on the impacts of epidemics on architecture, trace and survey the movement of architecture in the time of epidemics.
The research is based on historical consequences in each chapter from the oldest to the newest, following a historical descriptive approach to achieve the objective of the study, through reviewing, following and describing the successive outbreaks of the epidemics in the chosen periods, analyzing the reasons for their widespread, and making lists concluding these outbreaks. Also, the study focuses on the history of architecture in each period separately, and then it adopts the analytical approach in order to analyze and examine the impacts of these outbreaks on the movement of architecture, in order to make an inventory or a list of the founded, renovated and demolished buildings in the times of epidemics outbreaks
The most important results are:
• Egypt had a bad reputation, being a focus of infection. Indeed, for a long time, the country suffered many epidemics most of which were different kinds of plague. The surveyed numbers of epidemics and diseases broke out in Islamic Egypt are, 15 in the Fatimid period, 5 in the Ayyubid era, 16 in the Baḥrī Mamlūk period, 37 in the Circassian Mamlūk period, and 20 in the Ottoman period.
• The medicine of this time couldn’t determine the real reason of epidemics outbreaks, and this limited knowledge led people to adopt wrong non-medical interpretations for epidemics outbreaks; which varied from being result of changing happened in air, food, water or people psychology, being a result of astronomical movement, or being earthly punishment that God had imposed on humans because of their deviation from the divine laws.
• Industries and normal careers during epidemics were stopped, and people turned to funeral jobs. Such as modra’, reciters, coffin bearers, and moghaseleen
• Shortage of coffins, shrouds and death supplies, performing janzāh prayer over large number of dead, making mass burials, and entombing in mass graves were the most common features of funerals during the time of epidemics outbreak.
• Many attitudes were adopted by the sultans, the high official, and the Egyptians as a way to end the epidemics including; organizing prayers and processions, Fasting, Donating, Sacrificing, preventing Women from Getting Outside their Houses, Releasing prisoners, Preventing Bad Behaviors, Believing in the power of materials, and Preventing Specific Kinds of Foods.
• Egypt has witnessed a great development in the Islamic architecture in its different eras. This architecture development and the increasing of urbanization somehow helped and led to the spread and the repeating of epidemic outbreaks. And vice versa epidemics outbreaks have also a great effect on the architecture.
• Epidemics in all of the studied eras, had bad effect on architecture, usually the accompanied circumstances that surrounding epidemic outbreak such as depopulation, cause damage and ruin to many areas. And sometimes the architecture condition has just fluctuated. Some empty areas were built and inhabited, and other areas were neglected, desolated, depopulated and damaged.
• Epidemics had obvious impacts on the standing architecture, and sometimes these impacts were represented in converting the main function of a building, changing its state, or even represented in changing the name of some places.
• Despite the bad impacts of Epidemics on architecture, epidemics also have good impacts on architecture. Sometimes epidemic helped in founding new architectural projects through providing money and lands, due to the unclaimed inheritance of the epidemic’s victims.
• Epidemics caused flourishing in architecture that new building projects were founded including mosques, madrasas, and tombs in large numbers as endowments by individuals who were seeking and hoping to survive the epidemic by their good doings or feeling grateful that they have been survived from it.
• A great flourishing had happened in the related architecture, that according to the condition of epidemics and deaths a great number of related buildings were founded such as maghaslahs, tombs, mausoleums, and cemeteries. While the founded buildings sometimes were not only simple domed tombs, but also they were good founded ones.
• Sometimes the architectural activities which made by sultans in times of epidemics outbreaks was a way sultans turned to in order to get closer to God to end the epidemic. And also as a way to appear in front of people with a religious appearance that would help them to gain the people’s trust and loyalty, to maintain a state of calming the situations in such times of crises.