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Study of Platelet-Rich Plasma Local Injection versus Corticosteroid Local Injection in Idiopathic Carpal Tunnel Syndrome /
Allam, Aya Magdy Abd El-Khalek.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / آية مجدي عبدالخالق علام
مشرف / سمر جابر سليمان
مشرف / علاء عبد العزيز لبيب
مشرف / سجى فرحات الجزار
Physical Medicine. Rheumatology. Rehabilitation. Neuromuscular diseases.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
162 p. :
إعادة التأهيل
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الطب - الروماتيزم و التأهيل و الطب الطبيعي
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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This study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of platelet rich
plasma (PRP) local injection compared to corticosteroids local injection in
the wrist in the treatment of mild idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome using
VAS, BCTQ and NCS as outcome measures.
Forty patients (35 females and 5 males) with mild idiopathic CTS
with a mean age of 40.5±11.1years and a mean disease duration of
11.9±9.9 months were involved and divided into 2 groups:
group (I): included 20 patients [17 females (85%) and 3 males (15%)]
who received corticosteroids in the form of 1 ml of triamcinolone
acetonide (40mg/ml) local injection in the wrist once with mean age of
41.5±11.3 years.
group (ІІ): consisted of 20 patients [2 males (10%) and 18 females
(90%)] who received 2 mL of PRP local injection once in the wrist with
mean age of 39.1±11.2 years.
The mean disease duration was 13.70±12.99 months in group I and
9.85±5.10 months in group II.
Patients were diagnosed as CTS clinically by parathesia in lateral
three and half fingers of the hand suggestive of CTS then performed a
standard neurophysiological examination to confirm the diagnosis and to
select mild cases according to The Padua’s Neurophysiologic Severity
Scale (PNSS) for CTS.
All patients were subjected to the following:
 Full history taking.
 Full detailed clinical examination.
 Clinical examination of the hand.
 Clinical assessment using VAS and BCTQ scores.
 Laboratory assessment and imaging for exclusion of secondary
 Electrophysiological assessment in the form of nerve conduction
studies of median and ulnar nerves.
Boston Carpal Tunnel Questionnaire (BCTQ), Visual Analogue
Scale (VAS) score and Nerve conduction studies (NCS) for median nerve
were evaluated in both groups pretreatment and 3-months after the
No complications related to the local infiltrations were observed
during the treatment and follow-up period.
The results showed the following:
• There was non-significant difference between both studied groups
regarding VAS, BCTQ and median NCS before injection.
• Improvement of median sensory conduction velocity was highly
significant 3 months after corticosteroid injection
• Significant improvement of median sensory peak latency and
comparative median and ulnar sensory study at ring finger were
observed 3 months after corticosteroid injection.
• There was no statistically significant difference in the sensory and
motor amplitude and also median nerve motor conduction study three
months after corticosteroid injection.
• There was highly significant improvement of median distal motor
latency, median sensory peak latency and sensory conduction velocity 3
months after PRP injection.
• There was significant improvement of comparative sensory study at
ring finger 3 months after PRP injection.
• Improvement of median motor conduction velocity and amplitude were
not significant 3 months after injection of PRP.
• There was significant improvement of VAS, symptoms severity scale
and function disability scale 3 months after local injection of
corticosteroids. Also, there was highly significant improvement in
VAS, symptoms severity scale, function disability scale 3 months after
PRP injection.
• There was highly significant difference in median distal motor latency
and sensory conduction velocity between both groups 3 months post
injection with more improvement in PRP group
• There was significant difference in median sensory peak latency
between both groups 3 months post injection with better decrement in
PRP group.
• There was highly significant difference in VAS between both groups 3
months post injection with better results in group II.
• Significant difference in both symptom severity scale and functional
status scale between both groups 3-months post injection with better
improvement of both scales in group II.