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Biochemical studies on some oils and fats commonly used in nutrition in Egypt \
EL-fiky, Eman Ali Ibrahem.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Eman Ali Ibrahem EL-fiky
مشرف / Prof. Dr. Mustafa Abd-alla Hammam
مشرف / Prof. Dr. Abd EL-aziz Ali Saker
مشرف / Prof. Dr. Medhat Mostafa Abozid
Oils and fats.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
142 p. :
علوم وتكنولوجيا الأغذية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنوفية - كلية الزراعة - قسم الكيمياء الحيوية
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The problem of excess fat and cholesterol is considered one of the major challenges facing the health sector because of its serious health complications and being a cause of heart disease and atherosclerosis, which are considered among the main causes of death around the world. Thus, the goal of the study was to find three edible oils that were high in unsaturated fatty acids and sterols—olive oil, sunflower oil, and flaxseed oil—and investigate them in order to see if they could be used to lower the incidence of high blood fats. The steps of the study can be limited to the following points:
1- Determine chemical and physical characteristics of flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils.
2- Determine the fatty acids and sterols content of flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils.
3- Study the effect of feeding of flaxseed, olive, sunflower oils and mixture of the three oils (%10 in diet) on lipid profile, liver function and heart function on rats feeding on hypercholestrolemic diet.
The results of this study can be summarized as follows:
1st: chemical and physical characteristics of flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils:
The physical and chemical characteristics of sunflower, olive, and flaxseed oils revealed that:
Flaxseed oil has the following values: iodine value (189.9 g I2/100g oil), ester value (187.8), saponification value (188.7 mgKOH/g oil), total unsaponifible value (1.28%), refractive index (1.4688), specific gravity (0.897), acid number (0.9 mgKOH/g oil), color (yellow) (9.5), color (red) (1.0), peroxide value (1.25 Meq oxygen/kg) and oxidative stability index (1.7).
Olive oil has the following values: specific gravity (0.903), acid number (1.68 mgKOH/g oil), refractive index (1.4561), color (yellow) (8.3), color (red) (0.7), iodine value (87.5 g I2/100g oil), peroxide value (3.5 Meq oxygen/kg), total unsaponifible value (1.45%), saponification value (192.5mgKOH/g oil), ester value (190.82) and oxidative stability index (14.5).
Sunflower oil has the following values: iodine value (115.8 g I2/100g oil), peroxide value (1.15 Meq oxygen/kg), total unsaponifible value (2.57%), oxidative stability index (5.8), color (yellow) (7.2), color (red) (0.9), specific gravity (0.889), acid number (1.9 mgKOH/g oil), saponification value (189.1 mgKOH/g oil), ester value (187.2).
2nd: The content of flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils of sterols and fatty acids:
A- GC fractionation of sterols in flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils showed that:
Beta-sitosterol (28.27%), cambestirol (16.37%), cycloartyl acetate (12.42%), isofoclastiol (7.52%), and astigmasterol (3.58%) are the main constituents of flaxseed oil.
Olive oil: (64.14%) of its ingredients are squalene, which is followed by (16.78%) beta-sitosterol, and (1.44%) cambesterol.
Sunflower oil: At 44.86%, beta-sitosterol is the primary constituent, followed by astigmasterol (20.33%), cambestiol (11.68%), and isofochosterol (9.54%).
B- GC fractionation of fatty acids in flaxseed, olive and sunflower oils showed that:
Alpha-linolenic fatty acid makes up the majority of the ingredients in flaxseed oil (55.34%), which is followed by oleic acid (17.7%),linoleic acid (15.96%), and finally palmitic and stearic acid (5.84% and 4.92%, respectively).
Olive oil is primarily composed of oleic fatty acid (66.65%), which is followed by palmitic acid (16.1%), linoleic acid (11.26%), stearic acid (3.03%), and palmitoleic acid (2.31%).
Linoleic fatty acid (53.33%) is the primary constituent of sunflower oil. Oleic acid (27.94%), palmitic acid (11.14%), and stearic and linolenic acid (4.45% and 3.14%, respectively) are the next most common constituents.
3th: Biochemical evaluation of the effect of 10% of flaxseed, olive, sunflower and mixture of the three oils individual as antihyperlipidemia agent:
The goal of the biological experiment was to determine how treatment with three different oils—olive, sunflower, and flaxseed—and a combination of them would affect lipid fat levels, liver function, and heart health in rats. The following were the key findings that showed:
1- All the groups that were fed on flaxseed, olive, sunflower oils and mixture of three oils were observed in which an decrease in the weight of rats significantly compared to the group of positive control.
2- As for the weight of the organs (liver, kidneys, heart and spleen), the groups that fed flaxseed and olive oils did not have a significant decrease compared to the negative control group, while there was a decrease in the heart weight of the group that fed sunflower oil, as well as a decrease in the weight of the spleen for the group that fed a mixture of three oils compared to the negative control group.
3- Feeding on the high-fat diet led to increase in both blood lipids
(total cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL-c, LDL-c, R.R and A.I) and
liver function (AST, ALT, ALP and a decrease in albumin and total protein) also increase in heart function (LDH) compared to negative control.
4- The groups that was fed on flaxseed oil and the mixture of three
oils, was observed in which a reduction in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-c was observed significantly compared to the group of positive control, as well as a decrease in risk ratio and atherogenic index by a large percentage compared to the positive control group, while increase in HDL-c was observed compared to positive control.
5- The groups that fed on olive and sunflower oils were observed to decrease in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and LDL-c was reduced by a similar percentage compared to the positive control group, as well as a decrease in risk ratio and atherogenic index by a small percentage.
6- As for liver function and heart function, the groups fed flaxseed, olive, sunflower oils and a mixture of three oils led to an improvement in the activity of the enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) as well as LDH, for albumin and total protein, they were observed to increase in the groups fed on flaxseed oils and sunflower compared to the positive control group.
from the result obtained, we conclude that adding flaxseed oil and mixture of three oils by 10% to the diet leads to improved lipid profile, liver function and heart function, based on the aforementioned, we conclude that, given the significance of vegetable oils, further research on the mixes of various oils is necessary to achieve optimal mixes both economically and nutritionally.