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Incidence of Acute kidney injury, Acute kidney disease and chronic kidney disease at Ain Shams University Hospital/
Abdelmonem, Ahmed Ayman Hassan.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / احمد ايمن حسن
مشرف / مجدي محمد الشرقاوي
مشرف / حسين سيد حسين
مشرف / محمود نادي عبدالعزيز
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
141p. :
الطب الباطني
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - الباطنة العامة
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from 141


Kidney disease is a global problem with many effects on
societies and affects patients quality of life.
Prevalence of Kidney diseases among Patients admitted to
Hospitals varies according several factors and outcome of those
patients differs according many factors.
Outcomes of kidney disease among this patients varies
between many entities such as acute kidney injury, acute kidney
disease, chronic kidney disease.
Acute kidney disease (AKD) is a condition in which acute
kidney injury (AKI) is present ≥ 7 days after an AKI initiating
event. AKD that persists beyond 90 days is considered chronic
kidney disease (CKD).
Chronic kidney disease is the presence of an abnormality in
kidney structure or function persisting for more than 3 months.
Our study was conducted To Determine the incidence and
outcome of kidney disease in Patients in Ain Shams University
hospital over period of 6 months.
Among the 460 patients involved in our study, the outcome of
renal disease was 23.3% with AKI, 12.4% with AKD, 36.7% with
CKD, 15.9% with ESRD and 11.7% with AKI on top of CKD.
These outcomes depends upon many factors that were
investigated in our study and were correlated between both Acute
and chronic outcome.
Among those factors was the gender showing female
predominance in the group of patients that ended in acute kidney
diseases while there was male predominance in the group of
patients that ended in chronic kidney disease.
As regard DM, hypertension, CLD, renal stones, collagen
diseases and UTI there was no significant correlation to the
outcome whether acute or chronic.
Considering malignancy, infections, contrast, ISHD and sepsis
our data showed significant correlation to acute outcome
compared to the chronic outcome.
For IV iodinated Contrast material, our result revealed that
Contrast correlates more with acute outcome than the chronic
As regard renal US parameters, it showed significant value in
distinguishing AKI from chronic kidney disease (CKD).