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Effect of an Educational Program on Improving Nurses Performance Regarding Infection Prevention and Control in Chest Disease Wards =
Ahmed, Sameh Hassan El Abed El sheikh.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / سامح حسن العبد الشيخ أحمد
مشرف / أليس إدوارد ريزيان
مشرف / أحمد يوسف شعبان
مشرف / ميرفت عبد الفتاح محمد
مشرف / إشراق سلامة هاشم
مناقش / ثناء محمد علاء الدين
مناقش / هدى زكى خليل
Medical Surgical Nursing.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
87 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة الاسكندريه - كلية التمريض - Medical Surgical Nursing
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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Infection prevention and control (IPC), according to the WHO, is a practical, evidence-based strategy that protects patients and healthcare staff against preventable infections and the implications of antibiotic resistance. Many infection control measures are simple and inexpensive, but they also necessitate worker accountability, behavioral adjustment, and improved staff education, reporting, and surveillance systems.
The aim of this study was:
To determine the effect of implementing an educational program on improving nurses’ performance regarding infection prevention and control in chest disease wards
Materials and method:
Research design:
A quasi experimental one group, pre and posttest intervention design were used to achieve this study.
The present study was conducted at the inpatient chest diseases department of Alexandria Main University Hospital, Egypt.
The participants of this study included all nurses (37) who are involved in providing direct nursing care for these patients at the above-mentioned setting
Tools of the study:
Three tools were used for data collection.
Tool I:” Nurses’ Knowledge Regarding Infection Prevention and Control Measures: ’ A structured Interview ’’
This tool was developed by the researcher based on a review of the related literatures for data collection .This tool was included two parts as follows:
Part one: Nurses’ Socio- demographic characteristics.
Part two: Nurses’ Knowledge Questionnaire Regarding Infection prevention and Control Measures ‘Structured Questionnaire.
Tool II: ’Nurses’ practices observational checklist regarding infection control measures among patients in the chest diseases department’.
An observation checklist was developed by the researcher after reviewing the related literature, to assess the actual nurses’ practice regarding the standard infection prevention& control practices in chest disease department. The practice was divided into general and specific practices:
 General practices included hand hygiene, wearing mask, respiratory etiquette, sharp disposal, waste disposal, administration of medication, protecting the visitors.
 Specific practice included obtaining sputum sample, care of chest tube, care of oxygen and nebulizer masks and droplet precautions.

Tool III:” Nurses’ Satisfaction to the Educational Program and Satisfaction Questionnaire’’’
This questionnaire was developed by the researcher after reviewing the relevant literature, to assess nurses’ acceptance to the provided educational program. It included questions regarding program objectives, the effectiveness of the program, teaching methodology, and the time of conducting the program.
Data collection :
 After securing the administrative approval ,the data collection was started and continued for 3 months from March 2023 to May 2023.
 To fulfill the study aim, the program was carried out for nurses in four phases, assessment, planning. intervention &evaluation.
Phases I: Assessment phase:
 The study participants were interviewed individually; the researcher introduced himself, explained the aim of the study and obtained verbal informed consent from study subjects.
 Initial assessment of each study participant was carried out before beginning of an implementation an educational program on improving nurses’ performance regarding infection prevention and control using tools I and II to assess existing nurses’ knowledge and practices.
Phases II: Planning Phase:
 The educational program was developed by the researcher based on the obtained data from initial assessment to improve nurses’ knowledge and practice related to infection prevention and control. It included objectives, content, and the number of sessions.
 The illustrated colored booklet in Arabic language was developed by the researcher and was distributed to each nurse in the implementation phase.
Phases III: Implementation phase:
 The training session was implemented within working hours, for five nurses per session.
 The training sessions were done three times per week covering daily shifts. The duration of each session ranged from 45- 60 minutes.
 Each session was started with a summary of the previous sessions and objectives of the new session.
 The theoretical sessions: Three sessions of nurses’ education were carried out to provide them with new knowledge. The duration of each session lasted approximately from 30 to 40 minutes:
- Session (1): Introduction of infection control and health care associated infection.
- Session (2): Infection control principles and practices. & standard of infection control precautions.
- Session (3): Isolation precautions.
 The practical sessions were provided using demonstration and ne-demonstration techniques by using real materials and instruments. Four sessions of nurses’ training were carried out to provide them with new skills and practices. The duration of each session lasted approximately from 40 -60 minutes:
- Session (1): hand hygiene, wearing mask, &respiratory etiquette.
- Session (2):Sharp disposal, waste disposal, administration of medication, protecting the visitors.
- Session (3):How to obtain sputum sample and care for chest tube.
- Session (4):Care of oxygen and nebulizer masks, and droplet precautions.
Phase IV: Program evaluation:
Post testing of nurses’ knowledge and performance regarding infection control were done immediately after implementation of the education program and after one month from the end of the program using tools (I&II).
Results: The result of the study shows that:
 More than half (59.5%) of the studied nurses age ranged from 40-50 years.
 As regards gender more than three third (75.7%) of them were females & were married (75.7%).
 According nurses’ Academic qualification, more than two thirds (75.7%) of them had diploma in nursing.
 Concerting their years of experience, more than two third (81.1%) had more than 15 years of experience with reference to average of p.t/ shift, about one third (35.1%) of nurses provided care to 9-12 p.t/shift.
 About half of nurses (51.4%) studied infection prevention & control method before graduation, While, the other half (51.4%) not studied, these methods.
 More than third (83.8%) of nurses attended training program about infection prevention & control, and all of them (100.0%) .
 There was no statistically difference as regards nurses’ overall knowledge regarding infection prevention & control pre and post the educational program were (p=0.078).
 There was highly statistically difference as regards nurses’ overall performance of infection prevention & control pre and post the educational programwere p=(<0.001*).
 Negative correlation was found between nurses’ knowledge and performance of IPC measures.
The main recommendations are:
 Creating a system for evaluating nurses on a regular basis in order to establish ways for improving their knowledge and practice.
 Developing of strict system for reward and punishment would be of great value to enhance nurse’s compliance of IPC measures.
 In the chest disease department, posters describing precautions in dealing with aerosol-generating procedures, collection and processing of laboratory specimens from patients with ARIs, care, cleaning, and disinfection of respiratory equipment, and care of the chest tube insertion site are available.