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Efficacy of Implementing Nursing Educational Program on Reduction of Risk of Varicose Veins among Nurses at Tanta University Hospital /
Anwar, Sara Ahmad Mohamed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / ساره احمد محمد انور
مشرف / عفاف عبدالعزيز بصل
مناقش / سهام احمد عبدالحي عبدالجواد
مناقش / احمد محمد اسماعيل توفيق
Medical Surgical.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
130 p. :
التمريض الطبية والجراحية
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة طنطا - كلية التمريض - Medical Surgical
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Varicose veins (VVs) are one of the most common occupational diseases that have affected many people worldwide. Varicose veins are often believed to be a cosmetic problem; however they may cause serious complication including severe pain, discomfort, leg cramps, ulceration, poor quality of life, and even loss of life. (1, 2) Varicose veins reported worldwide prevalence ranging between 20% and 60%, The American clinical guidelines for varicose veins care points out that 27 % of the Americans had some form of varicose veins in their legs. It is estimated that 20% to 25% million Americans have varicose veins. In Egypt lower limb varicose veins were considered as one of the most common chronic venous problems affecting 47% to 50% of the whole Egyptian population. (3-6) Varicose veins are abnormal dilated blood vessels that can appear in any part of the body where venous returns to the heart are weak but are often seen in the lower extremities, and these conditions increase pressure on the leg veins include overweight, lack of exercises, smoking, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, chronic constipation, occupations requiring sitting or standing for continuous time, history of leg injury or deep venous thrombosis (DVT) that make veins of leg very weak and finally will develop into varicose veins.Varicose veins (VVs) are one of the most common occupational diseases that have affected many people worldwide. Varicose veins are often believed to be a cosmetic problem; however they may cause serious complication including severe pain, discomfort, leg cramps, ulceration, poor quality of life, and even loss of life. (1, 2) Varicose veins reported worldwide prevalence ranging between 20% and 60%, The American clinical guidelines for varicose veins care points out that 27 % of the Americans had some form of varicose veins in their legs. It is estimated that 20% to 25% million Americans have varicose veins. In Egypt lower limb varicose veins were considered as one of the most common chronic venous problems affecting 47% to 50% of the whole Egyptian population. (3-6) Varicose veins are abnormal dilated blood vessels that can appear in any part of the body where venous returns to the heart are weak but are often seen in the lower extremities, and these conditions increase pressure on the leg veins include overweight, lack of exercises, smoking, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, chronic constipation, occupations requiring sitting or standing for continuous time, history of leg injury or deep venous thrombosis (DVT) that make veins of leg very weak and finally will develop into varicose veins.Varicose veins (VVs) are one of the most common occupational diseases that have affected many people worldwide. Varicose veins are often believed to be a cosmetic problem; however they may cause serious complication including severe pain, discomfort, leg cramps, ulceration, poor quality of life, and even loss of life. (1, 2) Varicose veins reported worldwide prevalence ranging between 20% and 60%, The American clinical guidelines for varicose veins care points out that 27 % of the Americans had some form of varicose veins in their legs. It is estimated that 20% to 25% million Americans have varicose veins. In Egypt lower limb varicose veins were considered as one of the most common chronic venous problems affecting 47% to 50% of the whole Egyptian population. (3-6) Varicose veins are abnormal dilated blood vessels that can appear in any part of the body where venous returns to the heart are weak but are often seen in the lower extremities, and these conditions increase pressure on the leg veins include overweight, lack of exercises, smoking, hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy, chronic constipation, occupations requiring sitting or standing for continuous time, history of leg injury or deep venous thrombosis (DVT) that make veins of leg very weak and finally will develop into varicose veins.