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دور الخدمات اللوجستية في تعزيز الميزة التنافسية :
محمد، محمد اسماعيل سليمان.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / محمد اسماعيل سليمان محمد
مشرف / منى سامى محمود مصطفى
مناقش / نوال محمود النادى
مناقش / صفاء أحمد الشربينى
التجارة الإلكترونية - مواقع. الخدمات اللوجستية. الميزة التنافسية.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
مصدر الكترونى (193 صفحة) :
الأعمال والإدارة والمحاسبة (المتنوعة)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التجارة - قسم إدارة الأعمال
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 193

from 193


The current study aimed to study the role of logistics services in enhancing the competitive advantage by applying to e-commerce sites in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The procedural definitions, questions, objectives, hypotheses, method of the study and the results of the study were as follows : preamble: Logistics services are an important source in enhancing competitiveness and increasing integration into the global economy. The inefficiency of logistics services increases the cost of doing business and reduces the possibility of integration with global value chains. Many developing countries have rushed towards deep reforms to enhance their logistics services, such as the Singaporean experience that It has become a global center for logistics services, and Arab countries, like other developing countries, are trying to enhance their competitiveness and improve their logistics services (Bouchol , Riyadh, Al-Nasser, 2020).First, the procedural definitions of the study terms:A) Logistics services It is defined as a perceived benefit, existing in itself, or rooted in a tangible, tradable thing, represented in the activities that aim to obtain the right products in the right place at the right time and at the right costs (Al-Zoghbi, Azzam, 2012).Dimensions of logistics:1- Transportation: The activity that aims to achieve temporal and spatial benefit by providing the right products at the right time and place and in the right quantity without damage or damage (Gnich, 2012).2- Inventory management: A set of activities that focu on planning, organizing and maintaining the processes of receiving materials and products in appropriate storage conditions and meeting the needs of different departments and customers in a timely manner and in the right quantity at the lowest possible cost (Al-Matiouti, Handal, Saleh, 2016).3- Customer Service Standards: Refers to the assistance an organization provides to its customers before or after they purchase or use products or services. Customer service includes various actions, such as providing product suggestions, troubleshooting problems and complaints, or responding to general questions and inquiries (, 2020).4- Information flow and order processing: A group of interacting and interrelated elements that undertake the tasks of collecting and storing data, creating files, retrieval, and transforming data through data processing and analysis using statistical and mathematical methods, to support decision-making, coordination and control processes in the organization (Hayat, 2019). And the operation of order orders is the system that the company uses to obtain the order from the customer, going through several processes, beginning with preparing the order and delivering it, then entering the order and implementing it, and finally, a report on the status of the order (Saber, 2014).B) Competitive advantage: It is defined as “the attributes and characteristics that the organization possesses based on its extensive experience and which seeks to outperform other competitors in terms of resources, prices, and services, as well as possessing material, financial, informational, and human resources with competencies and cognitive skills that help it achieve excellence and uniqueness from other organizations.” competitors” (Al-Azzam, 2014).Dimensions of competitive advantage:1- Cost: It is the economic value of any optional sacrifice, whether material or moral, that can be measured in monetary currency, and is made in order to obtain a present or future benefit, and the value of the benefits obtained must not be less than the value of the sacrifice (cost), as the lowest cost is The main operational objective of companies that compete through cost, and even companies that compete through competitive advantages other than cost, they seek to achieve a low cost for the products they produce (Al-Kassar, Al-Bayati, 2010).2-Quality: It is a set of characteristics that determine the ability of the product to meet the requirements and desires of customers by producing products that exceed their expectations and desires (Isaac 2013).3- Flexibility:The organization’s ability to change quickly and at the lowest costs means to the relationships that link its various internal elements. Flexible organization facilitates organizational change by sharing a common vision of the organization’s goals (Belable 2012).4- Discrimination: It means providing unique products or services to customers for the purpose of obtaining a price premium, and enabling the company to build relationships with customers and gain their loyalty when alternative products and services are not available in the market (Hsilo, 2012).C) E-Commerce: It is a system that allows over the Internet the movements of buying and selling goods, services and information, and also allows electronic movements that support revenue generation, such as the processes of enhancing demand for those goods, services and information, as e-commerce provides via the Internet sales support operations and customer service, and this can be likened to an electronic market that communicates It includes sellers (suppliers, companies or stores), middlemen (brokers) and buyers, and products and services are provided in a virtual or digital format, and the price for them is paid by electronic money (Kafi, 2010) .)Secondly, the problem of the study: The problem of the study is represented in two aspects, the theoretical side and the practical side. The researcher presents the two sides as follows:1- Theoretical aspect:It is represented in the research gap in the field of study, by reviewing previous studies, where there is no study - within the limits of the researcher’s knowledge - that dealt with the study variables together, in addition to the scarcity of Arab studies that dealt with any of the study variables together or the relationship between them.2- The practical aspect:Through the survey, the researcher found the following:The low degree of workers’ awareness of the role of logistics services in enhancing the competitive advantage of e-commerce companies, and its importance in the face of intense competition in the business market.The awareness of workers of the need to pay attention to the dimensions of logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service, and information flow).- Realizing the workers of the need to pay attention to the dimensions of competitive advantage represented in (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination).Which raises the following questions:- What is the type and degree of relationship between logistics services in its dimensions and the competitive advantage in its dimensions?- What is the nature of the impact of the dimensions of logistics services on the dimensions of competitive advantage, and what is the significance of this effect?Third , the objectives of the study:The study aims to identify the role of logistics services in enhancing the competitive advantage of e-commerce companies in Egypt, through:1- Knowing the relationship between logistics services in its dimensions (transportation, inventory management, customer service, information flow and order operation) and the competitive advantage in its dimensions (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination) for e-commerce companies in Egypt.2- Knowing the impact of logistics services in its dimensions (transportation, inventory management, customer service, information flow and order operation) on enhancing the competitive advantage in its dimensions (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination) for e-commerce companies in Egypt.3- Presenting a set of recommendations based on the results of the studyFourth , the study hypotheses: Through the previous presentation of the objectives of the study, the researcher seeks to test a set of hypotheses that can be formulated as follows:main premise:1-There is no correlation for logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) and the competitive advantage (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination).2- There is no statistically significant effect for logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order operation) on the competitive advantage (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination).This hypothesis is divided into the following sub-hypotheses:A) There is no statistically significant effect of logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on (cost)B) There is no statistically significant effect of logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on (quality).C) There is no statistically significant effect for logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on (flexibility).D) There is no statistically significant effect for logistics services (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on (discrimination).Fifthly , the importance of research:The importance of the research is divided into the following: (1) Scientific importance. (2) The practical importance.• Scientific importance: The scientific importance of this study is due to many scientific points :- This research lays a building block in the field of scientific research, as well as to enrich Arab libraries with this type of research related to these types of variables and their fields of application.- The importance of scientific research is due to the lack of studies - within the limits of the researcher’s knowledge - that have dealt with the concepts related to the research variables by studying, analyzing and drawing conclusions in one model.- The scarcity of studies related to research variables in Arab libraries in the field of application, and there are not enough studies on this subject and this may be due to the lack of companies working in the field of electronic commerce before.2- Practical importance Providing a set of recommendations based on the results for companies working in the field of e-commerce to achieve more performance improvement and total quality operations, increase profitability and competitiveness of these companies, and on the other hand help achieve the desires and needs of members of the community that represents us all.Sixth, the search method :A) Required data and its sources:In this research, the researcher will rely on two types of data:1-Secondary data: It is represented in the previously published data and obtained by reviewing Arab and foreign scientific books, studies and research that deal with research variables, and is concerned with studying theoretical concepts related to research variables and its dimensions.time from workers on the websites of e-commerce companies and is collected through the community under study, through a list of survey and analysis of its data in order to test the validity or falseness of the research hypotheses, and to reach results that can help to understand the concepts of research variables .B)Study population and sample:The study population consists of all employees of e-commerce companies in the Arab Republic of Egypt, and since the study population is not homogeneous, and due to the spread of community vocabulary, the sample consists of (384) individuals.C) Study tool and data collection method:In collecting data from its primary sources, the researcher relies on a survey list that he prepared. The form consists of statements related to the independent variable (logistics services) and others related to the dependent variable (competitive advantage) within the framework of previous studies.D) The statistical methods used in the study: The stability coefficient (Alpha) to calculate the coefficients of reliability, validity and confidence in the research variables.•Pearson correlation coefficient to measure the direction of the relationship between the variables and dimensions of the research.• The multiple regression method is used to calculate the regression coefficients of the independent variables with the dependent variable.Seventh , search results :The most important results of the study are as follows:1- There is a significant correlation between all dimensions of logistics services represented in (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order operation) and all dimensions of competitive advantage represented in (cost, quality, flexibility, discrimination) from the point of view of workers in trade E sites .2- There is a statistically significant effect of the complete logistics dimensions (transportation, inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on the (cost dimension).3-There is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of logistics services only (inventory management, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on the (quality dimension).4-There is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of logistics services only (transportation, customer service standards, information flow and order processing) on the (flexibility dimension).5 There is a statistically significant effect of the dimensions of logistics services only (transportation, customer service standards) on the (discrimination dimension.