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Effect of digital scanning technologies and techniques on marginal and internal fit of monolithic zirconia crowns constructed on two angles of convergence /
Ibrahim, Farid Emad El-Din Farid.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / فريد عماد الدين فريد ابراهيم
مشرف / امينة محمد حمدي
مشرف / ماجد محمد زهدى
مشرف / أحمد عزت ثابت
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
144 p. :
Dentistry (miscellaneous)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - التركيبات الثابتة
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This study aims to evaluate the effect of different scanning technologies and scanning techniques on the marginal gap and internal fit of all ceramic crowns constructed with different convergence angles.
Two stainless steel dies were machined to the dimensions of prepared upper first premolar to receive all ceramic crown with two different convergence angles 120 and 200 degrees.
The dies were duplicated into 42 epoxy resin dies, 21 dies with 120 convergence and the other 21 with 200 convergence.
Each 21 dies were divided into three groups seven dies each. First group was scanned using Omnicam intraoral scanner. Then polyether impressions were taken for the other groups. Second group impressions were scanned using Identica blue hybrid extraoral scanner. Third group impressions were poured into gypsum models and the models were scanned using the same extraoral scanner.
All the scanned data were exported in STL file formats to the design software. Crowns were designed using Exocad 2016 software with fixed parameters for all the groups.
The designed crowns were milled in ultra-translucent zirconia Anterior Bruxzir using Vhf S1 5-axis milling machine then dried and sintered. The designed crowns were milled in enlarged size to compensate for sintering shrinkage.
The internal fit was measured using the replica technique. The intaglio of the crowns was filled with light body silicone impression material then seated with firm hand pressure on the corresponding abutments followed by pressure 20N for 10 minutes. The crowns were gently removed and heavy body silicone was used to remove the films and prevent their distortion during the cutting process.
The replicas were sectioned buccolingually and scanned using light microscope and their thickness was measured with the help of compatible software. Nine measuring points for each section with total of eighteen points for each crown were measured.
The marginal gap was measured before cementation by shots of the margins that are taken for each crown using a digital light microscope (Zeiss, Germany) with connected camera IS1000 (Zeiss, Germany) was used to scan the margins and take images for each surface at magnification of 50 X. The vertical gap distance was measured for each shot 5 equidistant landmarks along the cervical circumference for buccal, lingual, mesial and distal surface of each crown
The crowns were then seated and cemented. All crowns in all groups were cemented with resin cement. During cementation static finger pressure was applied then the specimens were axially loaded with a 5kg load using a specially designed device.
Then marginal gap was measured also after cementation by the same technique that was measured before cementation
Two way-ANOVA was used to study the effect of different degrees of convergence and impression techniques on mean marginal gap (µm) and Internal fit (µm) between groups.
Tukey’s post-hoc test was used for pair-wise comparison between the means when ANOVA test is significant. One Way-ANOVA was used to study the effect of different degrees of convergence, or impression techniques on mean marginal gap values (µm) and Internal fit (µm) within each subgroup separately.
Results showed better internal fit for crowns on 200 convergence than those constructed on 120. Also, intraoral scanner showed better significant internal fit than extraoral scanner. Best internal fit was found with crowns from intraoral scanning of the 200 convergence dies.
Results showed better marginal fit for crowns on 200 convergence than those constructed on 120. Also, intraoral scanner showed better significant marginal fit than extraoral scanner. Best marginal fit was found with crowns from intraoral scanning of the 200 convergence dies.