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Nurses’ Performance Regarding Patients’ Safety after Cardiac Catheterization /
Ahmed,Mai Mohamed Ali Sayed.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Mai Mohamed Ali Sayed Ahmed
مشرف / Kamelia Fouad Abdallah
مشرف / Mona Nadr Ebraheim
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تمريض العناية الحرجة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية التمريض - تمريض الحالات الحرجة
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safety has become national and international imperative in recent years, with increased emphasis across the world in policy reform, legislative changes and development of standards of care driven by quality improvement initiatives. Patients’ safety is often viewed as a responsibility shared by all participants in the health care system.
Aim of the study:
This study was aimed to:
1- Assess the nurses’ performance regarding patients’ safety after cardiac catheterization.
2- Identify the factors affecting patient safety after cardiac catheterization.
Research questions:
This study was based on answering the following questions:
1- What is the nurses’ level of performance regarding patients’ safety after cardiac catheterization?
2- What are the factors affecting patients’ safety after cardiac catheterization? Subjects and Methods
 Research Design:
A descriptive study was used to achieve the aim of this study.
 Setting:
This study was conducted in the CCUs at Tanta University Hospital and EL-Mahaala elkobra heart Academy. The 1st setting consisted of two CCUs and one CC laboratory, one unit contained 6 beds & the other unit contained 8 beds. The 2nd setting consisted of three CCUs and one CC laboratory. One unit contained 4 beds, 2nd unit contained 9 beds & the 3rd unit contained 7 beds. The researcher selected these two settings because the increasing flow rate of patients undergoing CC as indicated from the statistical records mentioned in the significance of this study.
 Subjects:
A convenient sample of all available nurses (40) caring for patients after CC were recruited in this study.
 Tools of data collected
Three tools were constructed by the researcher based on review of recent literature to collect data pertinent to this study, these tools are: I): Self-administered questionnaire:
This tool consisted of three parts. It consisted of the following:
Part one: It was concerned with demographic characteristics of nurses under study as age, sex …etc.
Part two: It was concerned with assessment of nurses’ knowledge regarding patients’ safety after CC. this sheet comprised the following:
A- Anatomy of the heart and coronary arteries.
B- Overview about CC; definition, purpose, indications and contraindications.
C- Preparation for CC.
D- Information about potential complications following CC.
E- Nurses’ role regarding patients’ safety after CC.
F- Discharge instructions after CC.
Part three: It was concerned with assessment of the factors affecting the nurses’ performance regarding patients’ safety after CC, it included 5 parts;  The 1st part: nursing related factors.  The 2ndpart: professional support related factors.
 The 3rd part: job satisfaction related factors.
 The 4th part: safety measures related factors. The 5th part: work environment related factors.
II. Nurses’ attitude likert scale: It was concerned with assessment of nurses’ attitude toward patients’ safety after CC. It consisted of (22) sentences and answers are grading according to 5 likert scale (strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and strongly disagree).
III. Nurses’ practice observational checklists:
It was concerned with assessment of nurses’ practice regarding patients’ safety after CC. It comprised 5 parts covering the following: -
1. Relieving anxiety.
2. Relieving acute pain.
3. Increasing activity tolerance.
4. Prevention and management of potential complications if occur.
5. Providing information regarding the therapeutic regimen to be followed after the invasive procedure.