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Gingival crevicular fluid level of Bone morphogenic
protein-2 in nano and nano- microsized Calcium
Phosphate bone grafts in treatment of periodontal
intrabony defects :
Ammar,Ahmed Hassan Abdel-Aziz.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / Ahmed Hassan Abdel-Aziz Ammar
مشرف / Khaled Atef Abdel Ghaffar
مشرف / Ahmed Youssef Gamal
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية طب الأسنان - طب الفم و علاج اللثة
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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from 152


Chronic periodontitis was defined as an infectious disease resulting
in inflammation within the structures that support the teeth , progressive
attachment loss , and bone loss . It is the most prevalent form of
periodontitis .Altought the periodontal disease is a multifactorial
infectous disease but the microbial plaque is established as the primary
etiologic factor to intitiate and progress the disease .
One of the most benfical surgical approaches in treatment of
moderate to advanced chronic periodontitis was modified minimally
invasive surgical technique (M-MIST) which improves wound stability,
maintain space for regeneration , preserve the papillary tissue and also the
least postoperative pain .
In this study 15 patients diagnosed to have bilateral clinical
attachment loss (CAL) ≥ 4mm and pocket probing depth (PD) ≥ 5mm .
Split mouth design was done to compare the effect of nano
hydroxyapatite bone graft and nano-microsized composite hydroxyapatite
bone graft and by using modified minimally invasive surgical technique
(M-MIST) in both groups to maintain maximum clot and graft
stabilization .
The patients were diagnosed having mild to moderate chronic
periodontitis . Both males and females were included in the study age
between 35 years – 55 years old . The selected patients were assigned in a
split mouth design , one side is treated by modified minimally invasive
surgical technique (M-MIST) with nano hydroxyapatite and the other
side is treated with modified minimally invasive surgical technique (MMIST)
with nano-microsized hydroxyapatite. Also the patients were
selected to be systemically free to exclude all variable confounders that may affect wound healing. The clinical parameters included plaque index,
gingival index, probing depth and clinical attachment loss were recorded
at baseline and 3 months after surgery. BMP-2 level was measured in the
gingival crevicular fluid at day zero, 3 days , 7 days , 14 days , 30 days
after surgery in both groups .
The results of this study revealed an insignificant statistical
difference of PD , PI , GI and CAL between nano hydroxyapatite bone
graft and nano-microsized composite hydroxyapatite . Also the level of
BMP-2 showed insignificant statistical difference between nano
hydroxyapatite and nano-microsized composite hydroxyapatite in treating
moderate to advanced chronic periodontitis .