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الوفاق الوطنى والأمن الإجتماعى مدخل لتحديد دور الجامعة فى تنمية وعى طلابها بقيم التسامح والعدالة والسلام /
غالى، جورج وهيب ذكى غالى.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / جورج وهيب ذكى غالى
مشرف / تودرى مرقص حنا
مشرف / عبدالودود مكروم
مشرف / تودرى مرقص حنا
التعايش السلمي. الأمن القومى - الوحدة الوطنية.
تاريخ النشر
Multidisciplinary تعددية التخصصات
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة المنصورة - كلية التربية - قسم أصول التربية
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 471

from 471


Dissertation AbstractThe objective of the present study was to identify How to activate the role of the university in developing its students’ awareness of the Values that support National Reconciliation and Social Security: Tolerance, Justice and Peace. The current study was based on: the descriptive method, Phenomenology method, morphology method, and case study method. Three tools were implemented: Situational test directed at Mansoura University students, a questionnaire addressed to Mansoura University students, and another questionnaire addressed to faculty members at Mansoura University. The sample of the study was chosen in a random stratified manner. It included two main categories: (219) faculty members of theoretical, practical and educational faculties at Mansoura University by (8.5%), and (1795) students of theoretical, practical and educational faculties at Mansoura University by (1.5%). The study concluded that: National reconciliation and social security are a moral capacity to support the overall strength of the Egyptian country based on a fundamental pillar of human values such as tolerance, justice and peace. The development of the students’ awareness of these meanings is the real approach To promote the will of university youth to maintain the security of society, renounce violence and achieve peaceful coexistence. There is an agreement between the students of the theoretical, practical and educational faculties on the order of the values of the test of attitudes as follows: the public interest of the homeland and then the ideological influence, then the social considerations and pressures, then the motives of negativity and egoism. There are statistically significant differences among the theoretical, practical and educational faculties at Mansoura University in judging the Situational test in terms of the degree of clarity of the concept of public interest in favor of the theoretical faculties, and in terms of degree of clarity of ideological influence in favor of practical faculties, And social pressures in favor of practical faculties, and in terms of the degree of impact of the motives of the negative and selfish in favor of practical faculties. The sample also finds that there is a weakness in the university’s performance of its roles in developing its students’ awareness of the values that support national reconciliation and social security. There are also many problems that hinder the University from playing its roles. The most influential factor in activating the role of the university is the ”university climate” from the point of view of the students, and ”the role of the faculty member” from the point of view of the faculty members. One of the most important mechanisms of activating the role of the university in developing the awareness of its students of the values that support national reconciliation and social security is organizing cultural events between community institutions and students to discuss with them on public issues of national interest, and there should also be special programs dealing with the culture, history, religious tolerance, strategic depth and national unity of the community over time. Finally, the study concluded with ”a proposed procedural project” in the form of a training program to raise the awareness of university students of the values that support national reconciliation and social security.Key word: Egyptian National Security, national unity, peaceful coexistence, Humanitarian and cultural participants, Religious and intellectual pluralism, National security and safety, Violence and intolerance, Extremism and terrorism, Belonging and citizenship responsibilities, The overall strength of the Egyptian state.