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تاثير الاساطير القديمه وزخارفها على الفنون الزخرفيه الاسلاميه فى مصر خلال العصر العثمانى وعصر الاسره العلويه/
موسى, رمضان شعبان علي.
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / رمضان شعبان على موسى
مشرف / عصام عادل مرسي الفرماوي
مناقش / أحمد رجب محمد
مناقش / محمد السيد أبو رحاب
الفن الاسلامى.
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
308 ص. ؛
علم الآثار (الآداب والعلوم الإنسانية)
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة أسيوط - كلية الآداب - الآثار
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 325

from 325


Dealing with this subject of the message ( The Influence of The old legends on the Islamic decorative Arts in Egypt of the ottoman era and the era Mohammad Ali Dynasty ( 923 – 1372 H / 1517 – 1952 M ) , and divided this message to the introduction and preface , four chapters and a conclusion and an index of sources and references and index Plates and shapes and then catalog , which included provided on the importance of choosing the subject and most previous studies and the difficulties that faced the researcher during the study and the goals of the study and the most important sources and references of the Arab and foreign various scientific and messages , which was adopted by the researcher and the research plan , Amaaltmhid includes the definition of the world legend and Ahmathauallaguetha the arts and the factors that helped influence of old legends in arts ottoman era and the era Mohammad Ali dynasty and included the first chapter on the influence of ancient mythology plan motifs in the ottoman era and the era of Mohammad Ali dynasty , and the Department of the first chapter to three sections , first section tree plant , section plant flowers , the third section fruiting plant leaves , the second chapter includes the effect of the old legends on trappings of living organisms in the ottoman era and the era of Mohammad Ali dynasty , and the department of chapter two to three sections , the first section of angels and jinn fees , the second section anthropomorphism and includes Greek and Romanian Goddess fees as well as the ancient Indian goddess , the third section of animal fees , while the third chapter includes the impact of legends ancient shapes Superstitious during the ottoman era and the era Mohammad Ali Dynasty , and was divided into three sections , section first dragon , second topic phoenix , sphinx and horse winged , the third section alseriant and aldiriadat and triton , while the fourth chapter includes he effect of the old legends on the trappings of orbs and some naked , engineering and clerical decorations , and was divided into two issues , bid ah , the first section the effect of the old legends on the trapping of celestial bodies during the ottoman era and the era Mohammad Ali dynasty , second topic influence of ancient mythology to some geometric abstract and written , either conclusion include the results of the study , either sources and references index , then Paintings and index formats , then catalog ( paintings and shapes )