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Cognitive Impairment among Long Stay Inpatients with Schizophrenia
Nagi,Hamed Mahmoud Safwat Faried
هيئة الاعداد
باحث / حامد محمود صفوت فريد ناجي
مشرف / طارق أحمد عكاشة
مشرف / حنان حسين أحمد
مشرف / ضحي مصطفي الصيرفي
Cognitive Impairment among -
تاريخ النشر
عدد الصفحات
العناية المركزة والطب العناية المركزة
تاريخ الإجازة
مكان الإجازة
جامعة عين شمس - كلية الطب - Neuropsychiatry
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Schizophrenia is among the top 10 disabling conditions worldwide for young adults. It is a severe mental disorder characterized by fundamental disturbances in thinking, perception and emotions.
Functional deficits associated with the disorder interfere with goal-directed behavior involving one’s career and lifestyle. Thus, a disproportionately large number of people with schizophrenia are chronically unemployed, have not finished their education, do not reside in their own homes, are unmarried, and are estranged from their relatives.
The person labeled schizophrenic carries a powerful stigma to which other people may react with fear and rejection. Because the symptoms of these diseases can affect how a person thinks, feels, behaves, and communicates, the effects of the diseases are often apparent to other people .Many individuals with schizophrenia are devalued and discriminated against because of their mental illness.
Schizophrenia remains a complex; dynamic, multi-dimensional, and poorly understood condition .The treatment of schizophrenia requires approaches in many dimensions. Medications are the cornerstone of symptom management but are not themselves sufficient to promote recovery. Rehabilitation strategies involving work, school, and relationship goals are also essential and need to be addressed in creating a plan of care. And Like everyone, individuals living with schizophrenia typically have important goals for themselves in the areas of relationships, work, and living. Developing supports and strategies to help people living with schizophrenia achieve wellness is an active area of psychosocial research today.
Cognitive deficits are routinely evident in schizophrenia, and are of sufficient magnitude to influence functional outcomes in work, social functioning and illness management. Cognitive remediation is an evidenced-based non-pharmacological treatment for the neurocognitive deficits seen in schizophrenia. Narrowly defined, cognitive remediation is a set of cognitive drills or compensatory interventions designed to enhance cognitive functioning, but from the vantage of the psychiatric rehabilitation field, cognitive remediation is a therapy which engages the patient in learning activities that enhance the neurocognitive skills relevant to their chosen recovery goals. Cognitive remediation programs vary in the extent to which they reflect these narrow or broader perspectives but six meta-analytic studies report moderate range effect sizes on cognitive test performance, and daily functioning.
Patients are taught to perform component cognitive and behavioral responses sequentially, gradually combining simpler behaviors into more complex reactions. These methods have been applied in both individual and group formats to improve schizophrenia patients ’self-care, social, and independent living skills in hospital, clinic, and residential settings. In addition, behavioral learning principles used in skills training such as shaping, modeling, behavioral rehearsal, prompting, reinforcement, and in vivo homework assignments have been used effectively in teaching communication and problem-solving skills to families of patients with schizophrenia.
During the 10 month period 200 schizophrenic patients of both gender between 30 to 60 years old can read and write who suffering more than 7 years with total IQ ≥70 and no ECT (at least 3 month before) were included in the study including two groups in cross-sectional study, Case-control study:
Group 1 (inpatient group):
A random sample of 100 patients with schizophrenia admitted to El-Abassia Mental Health Hospital Departments and has been hospitalized for at least the last 5 years continuously.