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دراسات على الاكثار الخضرى لفيكس بنجامينا=
محمود فوزى محمود النشار ,
النشار , محمود فوزى محمود .
الاكثار الخضرى .
تاريخ النشر
2000 .
عدد الصفحات
118,3 ص . ؛
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 141

from 141


. - This investigation was cClrried out at the Experimental Farm of Floricutlure, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University dming 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 seasons.
The e1im WelS to study the effect of some growth regulators (NJ\A, NSA, IAA and IBA) Clt various concentrations (0, 25, 50 and 100 ppm) on different types of F;cus hCl?iGm;nG, L cuttings (terminal, middle and basal and the interaction among them at two periods of propagation (November and February). The experiment was arranged in split-split¬plot design with four replicates. Stem cuttings were taken from one year old branches at 12 cm length and diameter at (1- 2 mm for terminal, 2.5¬15 mm for middle Clnd 4-5 mm for b<lsal) e1nd contained one leel£.
Cutting bases were soaked for 24 hours in the different solutios of growth regulators, then planted in clay pots fil1ed with Nile silt and placed in greenhouse.
At each period of propagation~ ten weeks after planting, delt(] were recorded on rooted cuttings percentage. Root characteristics were recorded after 4 and 12 months from planting while shoot chanlcteristics were recorded after 4, 8 Clnd 12 months from planting. The fresh and dry weights of plant root (]nd shoot were taken at the end of experiment.
At the planting time of each propagation period, C/N ratio and promoters and inhibitors content (Bioassay test) in e<lch of the cutting types were detennitled.
c<l. - This investigation was cClrried out at the Experimental Farm of Floricutlure, Faculty of Agriculture, Assiut University dming 1994/1995 and 1995/1996 seasons.
The e1im WelS to study the effect of some growth regulators (NJ\A, NSA, IAA and IBA) Clt various concentrations (0, 25, 50 and 100 ppm) on different types of F;cus hCl?iGm;nG, L cuttings (terminal, middle and basal and the interaction among them at two periods of propagation (November and February). The experiment was arranged in split-split¬plot design with four replicates. Stem cuttings were taken from one year old branches at 12 cm length and diameter at (1- 2 mm for terminal, 2.5¬15 mm for middle Clnd 4-5 mm for b<lsal) e1nd contained one leel£.
Cutting bases were soaked for 24 hours in the different solutios of growth regulators, then planted in clay pots fil1ed with Nile silt and placed in greenhouse.
At each period of propagation~ ten weeks after planting, delt(] were recorded on rooted cuttings percentage. Root characteristics were recorded after 4 and 12 months from planting while shoot chanlcteristics were recorded after 4, 8 Clnd 12 months from planting. The fresh and dry weights of plant root (]nd shoot were taken at the end of experiment.
At the planting time of each propagation period, C/N ratio and promoters and inhibitors content (Bioassay test) in e<lch of the cutting types were detennitled.

. TerminCll cutting in November resulted in higher number and length of
. .
roots them middle and basal ones. Meanwhile, middle cuttings in
February gave the best results in this respect. Generally, basal cuttings increased fresh Clnd dry weight of roots .
. The interaction in November showed that treating basal cutting with IAA at 25 ppm gave the highest root number, but treClting terminal cutting with NSA at 25 ppm was tilost effective in increasing root length. Meanwhile, propClgation in February cleared that treating terminal cutting with IBA at 25 rpm produced the best root characteristics.
hoot characteristics:
1- Both IAA and IBA 111 November increased stem length, while IAA gave the maximum number of brclllches and leaves (IS well ClS fresh
and dry weight of shoot. Using IBA resulted in the highest stem diameter. NSA gave the highest values in fresh and dry weight of shoot.
2• Using of NSA in February showed the best stem length and diameter and number of leaves except number of branches. IAA produced a higher branch number.
1. In general, the concentration of 25 ppm in November was most effective in improving shoot characteristics, while 50 ppm in February was the best in this concern.
4• Generally, the basal cutting in November and February periods gave higher increment 111 shoot characteristics followed with terminal cutting.