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فعالية برنامج لتهذيب الاخلاق من المنظور الاسلامي فى تحسين مستوى الحكم الخلقي والمسئولية الاجتماعية لدى طلاب كلية التربية باسيوط/
احمد، محمد شعبان فرغلى.
الأخلاق الدينية الطلبة - أسيوط.
تاريخ النشر
2005 .
عدد الصفحات
405 ص.؛
يوجد فقط 14 صفحة متاحة للعرض العام

from 457

from 457


Morals in man’s life are considered the law that maintains his internal and external existence because they are a prerequisite for the continuity of his life , in an ideal shape both on the individual and group levels .Casting a look on the reality of life in present age of globalization , conflict of cultures and civilizations and the ensuing problems , one finds that humanity suffers from a moral crisis which hunches a human disaster on the global level . In addition the lack of belonging and social responsibility threatens the life of any society and permits for the pervasion of selfishness and passivity.
A group of western and Muslim contemporary scholars have attributed the deterioration of morals in some communities and individuals to lots of reasons , most important of which is the absence of lots of moral values taken from religious and spiritual values .
Several studies refer to the urgent need to moral education through psychological counseling especially after the increase of moral refinement problems inside schools and communities. The present study attempts to develop a program for moral refinement problems from an islamic perspective, and to monitor its affect on improving moral judgement and social responsibility of Assiut Faculty of Education students.
Problem of the study :
The problem of the study can be summarized in the following inquiry :
what the effectiveness of a moral refinement program of an islamic perspective in improving the level of moral judgement and social responsibility of Assiut Faculty of Education students?.
Aims of the study :
The present study aims to identify:
1-the relationship between moral judgement and social
2- the gender differences in moral judgement.
3- the gender differences in social responsibility.
4-the effectiveness of the proposed intervention program in
improving the level of moral judgement of the study sample.
5-the effectiveness of the proposed intervention program in
improving the level of social responsibility of the study
6-The effectiveness of the intervention program and the
continuity of its influence after a follow-up period of two
months and a half.
The importance of the study :
a) - Theoretical importance:
1-Developing two instruments to asses two important
psychological variables: moral judgement and social
responsibility from an islamic perspective.
2-Developing an islamic perspective based intervention program
which may direct future research in the field of moral
development and social responsibility towards this kind of
research studies .
b) - Applied importance:
1-Guiding youth in general and university students in particular
to morals , which will enhance an important part of their
2-Directing educators to reconsider the educational programs in
a way that guarantees taking the moral education programs in
Sample of the study :
The sample of the study is limited to third year students in Assiut Faculty of Education who study in the Arabic and Islamic studies section . The total of the sample is 22 students (8 males ,15 females ) with an age mean of 19.5 year and standard deviation 0.5 in the year 2004 / 2005
Tools of the study :
The following tools were used in the present study:
1- A pilot questionnaire of some pervading moral problems
among university students ( P Q M P ) prepared by the
2-Test of moral judgement development ( T M J D ) prepared by
the researcher.
3-Social Responsibility scale ( the Muslim personality farm )
prepared by researcher.
4-An islamic perspective based moral refinement program for
university students ( I P M P) prepared by the researcher.
5- A Form of participants’ satisfaction with the program.
Results of the study :
The following results come out of the study:
1- There is a statistically significant positive correlation between
the scores of T M J D and those of S R S ( r = 0 . 17 ,
0 > 0. 01 ).
2-There are no statistically significant differences between
males and females in moral judgement or moral development
in general .
3-There are statistically significant differences between males
and females in social responsibility in favor of females.
4-There are statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of the experimental group and the control group
on the T M J D the total score , the first problems ) after
administering the program in favor of the experimental group
(Z = 2.4, 2.94 in both the total score and the first of problems
of the T M J D , P < 0 , 05 , P < 0 . 01 ) . There are no
statistically significant differences between the experimental
group and the control group in the second problem ( illegal al
marriage ) of the T M J D . In addition there is an effect of
the program in the variance of the scores of the two groups in
favor of the experimental group . The value of Carl’s effect
size was 0 . 88 , 1 . 1 . 0 . 5 for the total score , the first
problem and the second problem respectively .
5-There are statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of the experimental group and the control group
on the S R S ( the total scores , the care and interest
dimension, the comprehension dimension , and the
participation and mastery dimension) . after administering the
program in favor of the experimental group this reflects the
effectiveness of the group in improving the social
responsibility of the university students , 2 values were 2.7 ,
1.9 , 2.9 , 2.6 for the total score , the care and interest
dimension , the comprehension dimension and the
participation and mastery dimension respectively ( P < 0.5 ,
0 . 01, 0.1, respectively).
There was also a statistical significant effect of the
program in the variance of the scores of the two groups in the
S R S in favor of the experimental group after administering
the program , the Carl’s affect size was ( 1.4 , 0.75 , 1.1 , 1.6)
for the total score , the care and interest dimension , the
comprehension dimension , and the participation and mastery
dimension respectively ).
6-There are statistically significant differences between the
mean scores of the experimental group and those of the control group in the post measurement and the follow up measurement of both the T M J D and S R S, which reflects the maintenance of the program influence