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Studies on Enteric Protozoa of Some Wild Animals At Zoo of Alexandria/
Eman Mohamed Ahmed ;
Ahmed, Eman Mohamed
Parasitology .
تاريخ النشر
2005 .
عدد الصفحات
xi,81 p. :
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

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The present investigation was performed to declare the enteric protozoa infect captive zoo animals and birds in Alexandria zoo garden. The study sified into four topics, the first one, is to investigate the enteric protozoa its incidence among 87 animals belonging to 16 species (equines, inants, carnivores, non- human primates) and 454 birds belonging to 6 les of birds at Alexandria zoo. The second, to investigate the tissue fozoa (Sarcocystis species) among the slaughtered donkeys that sented to the captive carnivores and in just accidentally died zebra. The d, to study the ultra structure of Sarcocystis cysts by transmission electron roscope in muscles of domesticated donkeys and common zebra. The rth was an experimental study to show the possibility of transmission of rcocystis species from infected donkey meat to kitten and African lion cups. study was conducted in Alexandria zoo and laboratory of Pathology and rasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Alexandria iversity, Egypt.
Fecal analysis for enteric protozoa infections among wild carnivores luded 5 adult African lions, 6 African lions cups, 3 adult black leopard, 6 ult foxes and 5 adult Striped hyena. Adult African lions, African lion cups, adult black leopard showed Isospora and Cryptosporidium species ysts with an incidence of 2.1, 3.13 and 2.78%, respectively. Adult foxes d striped hyena showed no protozoa in fecal samples.
Among enteric protozoa in wild herbivores which included 3 Common ra, 12 Barbary sheep, 4 Llama, 4 Bactrian camels, one Nilgai, one Beisa x (gazelle), one Giraffe and one African Elephant. Elmeria oocysts were ly detected from Barbary sheep, Llama, and Bactrian camels in 4.2, 2.6 d 1.04%, respectively. Zebra, Nilgai, Oryx gazelle, Giraffe and Elephants wed no enteric protozoa in their fecal samples. Fecal analysis for :9al protozoa among higher apes and monkeys which included 2 inzee, 5 White fronted capuchin monkeys.