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Ain Shams University. Faculty Of Engineering. The Electrical Power and Machines Department,
Haggag, Gamal Abd El-Latif Abd El-Latif
تاريخ النشر
2008 .
عدد الصفحات
Only 14 pages are availabe for public view

from 147

from 147


Reliability of electricity supply is a major competitive issue facing the utilities in a deregulated market as it plays a major role in investment decision. Accordingly, the basic objective of generation and transmission companies in a competitive market is to ensure customer satisfaction by serving every major load point in the system as reliable and economic as possible. At the same time, utilities are under great pressure to maintain (and even improve) system reliability. With reduced budgets, it becomes necessary to establish accept/reject criteria that best allocates the budget while obtaining the highest possible system reliability. The generating capacity adequacy of a power system can be improved by interconnecting the system to other power utilities. When the total available capacity in an area is insufficient to meet its load, assistance can be received from neighboring areas.
The thesis presents a methodology for evaluating the reliability indices of the interconnected networks. Because of the inherent and advantages of Monte Carlo technique in simulating the random outage of system components, this technique was implemented in this thesis. In addition, the maximum flow minimum cut set technique has been utilized in combination with Monte Carlo for reliability evaluation modeling of the interconnection. This thesis presents applications the main techniques of the Monte Carlo simulation:
• The state duration sampling technique, and
• State sampling technique.